2 ; angel, obviously

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2 - angel, obviously -

2 - angel, obviously -

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Dohyeong's P.O.V

The boy with the halo, the strange red crown he wore upon his head; it all confused me, sent my thoughts spiralling.

Especially his halo.

The halo that stuck out so brightly in my mind, the white glow I remember so well really makes me wonder if I was imagining things or not. The obvious conclusion would be that he's an angel, but angels don't exist. So what exactly am I supposed to think?

But, aside from him, I'd have to let go of thinking about him for a while, because I'd agreed to meet Aera at the cafe near the school today. 'Route 127' is the name.

It's pretty popular among students, being so close to the school. But it was otherwise a pretty decent place, with comfy red seats at a fire truck-style bar. They actually have pretty good food, too. Their takoyaki is my personal favourite.

That's enough of that though, because, I guess there is one thing Aera is right about; my thoughts definitely can be strange.

I pushed open the doors to the cafe, my backpack slung across my shoulders as the bell rang above.

"Welcome to Route 127!"

I smiled at the woman at the door and thanked her, telling her I was meeting someone before walking off to find Aera.

Once I found her, she was sitting on a red barstool in the corner of the room, angrily sipping on her iced coffee. How you can do that, I don't know, but she seemed frustrated enough to make it happen.

I arched an eyebrow as I slipped into the seat in front of her.


"You're so late! I texted you, like, 15 minutes ago!" She told me, putting her coffee down to give me a hard stare.

I checked the blank lock screen of my phone before looking back at her.

"Sorry. Didn't get it."

Aera sighed and rested her chin on her hand, taking another sip of her coffee.

I sighed along with her and asked, "You ordered already?"

"Yeah." She answered plainly, playing with her hair as she added, "The caramel macchiatos are on sale,"

I nodded.

"I'm not going to get anything. Not really in the mood to digest anything so early today."

Aera instantly nodded, setting her coffee down beside her as she made a lot of hand gestures, "Oh, I get it. Eating in the morning feels weird sometimes," She told me, her emotions completely changing as she continued.

She went on, and on. I was listening at first, I was. Completely, undivided. Now, a certain redhead with a strange halo caught my eye.

I looked over at him, facing him fully in my seat.

He was still looking at his feet, his hand occasionally going up to brush his bangs off his forehead.

I pulled my lips into a thin line as my hand reached over to Aera —who was now blabbering about drinking coffee too late at night— and lightly tapped her wrist.

She stopped talking and furrowed her brows.


"Look at him. I saw him yesterday, he looks strange, doesn't he?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the red-haired boy leaning against the window.

Aera tried to stand up in her seat to move and look where I was, but after a few seconds, she shook her head.

"No, who are you looking at?"

"The redhead," I answered, watching her expression as she squinted to find who I was talking about so urgently.

"Dohyeong, there's no one with red hair over there."

Biology is my first class after lunch. I like it, for many different reasons, though it is mainly because Hyeokjae is in this class, I really do think biology is fun.

And it was the same today, I walked into the biology room as normal, ready to start as per usual. But as I sat down in my seat, something abnormal caught my attention. Something that wasn't usually there.

The redheaded boy sat nonchalantly on a stool as he stared out the window, his thin body draped over the lab table in front of him. He didn't seem to notice me looking at him this time, either.

Maybe I am just imagining him. Aera said she didn't see him, and he's drawing no attention to himself now, as someone who was never here before.

My thoughts drew a conclusion for me; I'm simply imagining him. It's becoming more of plausible theory. Because, after all, he won't even look at me. And certainly, no one has a halo.

"Hey?" A hand went in front of my face, startling me as it waved back and forth.

I looked over at the boy who sat behind me, the owner of the hand, and asked what he wanted.

"Nothing," he answered, "You were just zoning out."

I frowned at his words and looked back at the redhead, who hadn't moved much. But as I stared at him for a few more moments, his eyes flickered over to mine.

I immediately looked away, and the action surprised me. Not his, mine. Why did I look away? I would've liked for something to happen. Maybe he would've disappeared or something if I'd stared a bit longer.

I saw him look away soon after my last thought, his facial expression unbothered as he stared out the window again.

Like it didn't bother him one bit.

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