24 ; have yourself a merry little christmas

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24 - have yourself a merry little christmas -

24 -  have yourself a merry little christmas -

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Dohyeong's P.O.V

I was impossibly tired when I laid down that night, but the moment I got comfortable in my nest of blankets, I was somehow wide awake. I shut my eyes tight as I listened to what sounded like Taeyong suddenly slumping from across the room.

This made my heart twist, and I didn't know why. It was mostly quiet after that, and it was just around an hour or so of nothing but the sound of my own breathing.

It was a long hour.

But I think I would've rather stayed like that, because, at least he was there. When I woke up the next morning, I was alone. And though I was disappointed, I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting it.

I remember Taeyong telling me once, that if he ever disappeared suddenly, not to worry. Because he'd come back. But I couldn't say I felt so confident in his words now. I was really embarrassed, to put it plainly. Utterly and rightfully so. What had happened last night was so outlandish, I didn't even know how to think about it.

Nothing could be served as a distraction, not the pancakes I tried to make myself for breakfast, not the hours of exam prep sessions I'd set up, not even the event of me finally trying to wrap my head around Hyeokjae and Aera. My mind was completely booked with nothing but the angel.

I really do hope he comes back. I think I'd probably go insane if he didn't.

The rest of the day dragged by in a haze of abnormality, everything I did leaving me feeling off-balanced. But, it wasn't until I went to bed later that night, did it really start to bother me. The absence of him by my bedside was heavier than I ever could have imagined it to be. I missed his smile and soft 'goodnight'. I missed falling asleep to the still tune he would hum. I missed it so much, that an old part of me even scolded me, saying that this never would have happened if I just hadn't let him become a normal part of my life.

But, I think even if I did have the chance to go back, I wouldn't change that. I loved having him around. And true to my word, it was only weird without him now.

And I hope it won't be like this for long.

Taeyong's P.O.V

The moment I had backed away, I knew I would be pulled. I just didn't expect it so soon. I didn't remember if she knew why I disappeared occasionally, either. So, knowing this, a part of me wanted to warn her; tell her that I wasn't gone because I was mad, that it wasn't her fault.

But I didn't think I could say anything to her now.

As far as I could tell, she had fallen asleep soon after she'd laid down, giving me the opportunity to quickly let go the posture I'd been holding. My insides were twisting around, and my heart was beating faster than I think it ever had.

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