25 ; one hell of a guy

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25 - one hell of a guy -

25 - one hell of a guy -

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Dohyeong's P.O.V

I would've expected to be less focused with a literal person missing, but it was surprisingly easy to pay attention when I sat down at the exam prep meeting the next day. I was left with a clearer mind after ending confusions with Aera the night before, and we'd ended up sitting down and clearing everything up. It had gotten a little weight off my shoulders, thankfully, and today, I definitely needed it.

Because, in my constant insistence to busy myself the morning after Taeyong had vanished, I'd signed up for not one, but three prep sessions taking place over the next couple of days. Though I really didn't appreciate past me's decisions, I knew it wasn't a complete loss since I did need it.

My calculus grade needs a good exam results desperately. But, studying is never something a normal human being would look forward to, anyway. Especially when she has more pressing matters to think about.

But, I still dragged myself into the school around noon, putting everything behind me and deciding that this time was about exam prep, not the angel, not Hyeokjae, not me.

"Hi, what are you here for?" The familiar woman that usually sat in front of the main office looked up at me and gave me a patient smile when I reached the front desk.

"Calculus 1 prep," I answered, smiling back politely as she looked at her paper.

She pointed down the hall and told me the room number, to which I recognized almost immediately out of habit. It was in the library, and fittingly for the group size, it seemed, because there was almost no seats left already. I just adjusted my backpack straps and sighed as I looked around. I already didn't want to be there.

They'd separated everyone into groups not long after, everything based on test scores. I was in the middle of everyone, but was still mortified to have my average score read aloud. But, I guess that was the price to pay for having to be here in the first place.

"Cha Dohyeong,"

My presumed curator, the afore mentioned math prodigy, Minseok, called out my name with an underlying bored tone. It took me a moment to prepare myself for the inevitable out-loud average score everyone else before me had already received.

"76%. You can go into group C," He said, barely looking up as he moved onto the next name.

It wasn't really comforting to know that my average score on calculus tests was a 76%, but I was still given a strange sense of relief as I walked past the group labelled 'F'. After that, everything passed by moderately quickly, and though I can't say I learned anything new in the study session overall, Minseok was thankfully very patient and helpful when it came to my slow thoughts.

"No, Dohyeong. We never even learned anything close to this,"

"Oh, is it at least close?"

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