15 ; enemy

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15 - enemy -

15 - enemy -

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I should've listened to him.

That was the first thought I had when I saw Aera's expression.

"Look, I tried to tell you,"

"It was still nice though" I rebounded, ignoring Taeyong's statement. "It really was,"

I could practically see his expression in my head as Aera grabbed my wrist and said, "It doesn't matter. Just tell me everything,"

She pulled me along until we both stumbled into the living room, landing on the couches with an exasperated taeyong following closely in suit.

"It's not like it went badly," I started, making her raise a brow.


"I don't know how it went, okay? It just wasn't what I expected," I told her, making Aera twist her lips in thought.

"It wasn't? What do you mean?"

"I-" I caught Taeyong's glance, who was shaking his head.

Maybe I should listen to him this time.

"Um," I looked back at Aera, who was waiting patiently, "I don't know,"

I knew perfectly what I meant and wanted to say. But, the angel obviously knew what he was doing to at least some degree, so, I wasn't about to not take his suggestion this time.

"You don't know? Are you sure?" She asked, obviously slightly suspicious of my answer.

I nodded lamely, avoiding eye contact as the angel let out a breath in what seemed like relief.

"Well, I mean, alright. I guess I can't force you," She nodded and drew out a sigh. "Just so you know, we're just eating here tonight. Jiseon and Mark went out earlier for some stuff,"

"Yeah," I nodded, "That sounds good. I'd rather stay here after today,"

Taeyong just sighed again. But I didn't realise my mistake until Aera gave me a disdainful look.

"Are you sure nothing happened today?"

I nodded, standing up so I could avoid any more questions. "Yeah. I'm just tired. But, I'll help make dinner as long as you don't ask about today anymore,"

He pursed her lips for a moment but agreed. "Deal, but you have to tell me sooner or later, okay?"

I smiled victoriously, ignoring the whole of what she said. I wasn't exactly sure if that was going to work before I asked, but at least it worked out and I wouldn't be getting any more questions from her.

When I got up to my room, I just took my shoes off and sat down on the end of my bed. I felt like I needed to take a moment to sit down and think. But, everything was clashing horribly in my head, too many things bumping back and forth even when I tried my hardest to focus on only one thing.

the spaces in betweenㅣtaeyong Where stories live. Discover now