Seventh Letter: The Beautiful Nightmare

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"GIN!!!" You shouted when you saw your collar missing. Why blame Gin? He is he only one who likes entering and stealing in your room.

"Ya can never catch me!!" He shouted back. You transformed into a black panther and chased him all around Las Noches.

"GIN!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!!" You shouted. He just laughed and ran faster.



"Where the hell is that fox-faced bastard?!" You cursed. Suddenly, you felt a hand touch your right shoulder.

"GIN!!!!" You shouted when he stole your ponytail.

"Another one!!" He said happily and ran away. Fast.

"GIN!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" You shouted.

----Timeskip (Night)----

"Where the hell did he go?!" You asked yourself as you roamed through Las Noches.

"Mi querida?" Someone asked from behind you.

"Oh, Aizen." You said as you looked behind you. He looked a bit weary and sleepy. But he still is wearing his straight and stoic face.

"Why are you still up this late?" He asked.

'Why you ask? Probably because you kept calling me every midnight just to lick me and I got used to it...' You rolled your eyes mentally.

"I'm looking for Gin. He stole my collar and my ponytail. Now I can't find him." He chuckled and brought something out of his pocket.

"You mean this?" He asked as he looked at you. What he has on his hand is your purple and black collar with a golden bell and your white ponytail with silver trimmings.

"Hey!! Why'd you have that?!" You asked angrily and reached out for your belongings. But he raised them higher. High enough for you not to reach.

"I ordered Gin to get them." He chuckled darkly.

"What the- Why did you do that?!" You asked and jumped high enough to get them, and luckily, you did. But you felt a heavy pressure on you.

"As a bait on you, mi querida." He said. He dragged you into his room and locked the door, not wanting the 'Gin' incident to happen again.

"I shall continue where I stopped, mi querida." He whispered huskily. You gasped and struggled to break free.

"H-hey!! I've had enough already!!" You said while blushing madly. He grasped your wrists and pulled you close.

"Oh? I don't think five times is enough. It's never enough for you and me." He said. Your eyes grew wide in shock.

"What?! Five times is NOT enough?! NOT enough?! Are you kidding?!"

"No, mi querida. I'm not joking. Never did I joked. Every Arrancar knows that." He said. You stopped and looked at him.

"I hate you... Do whatever you want!" You demanded with a huge blush. You almost matched a tomato.

"You're strange. Usually you would push me away... But now... You're allowing me. What happened?" Your face turned into different hues of red, if it was still possible.

"I... Got u-used to it..." You stuttered as you look away. He smirked and kissed the palm of your hand.

"Well, I'm good at it after all, right?" Your blush grew even more redder.

"Pervert!!" You shouted and pushed him away.

"*chuckle* Now, shall I start?" He whispered in your ear and carried you to the bed.

"You don't need to ask anymore, do you?" You said while giving him an annoyed look. His smirk grew wider and intimidating that you can't take it anymore. You wiped his face.

"Stop giving me that smile." He chuckled.

"Were you intimidated, mi querida?" You shook your head and pinched his nose.

"No, you dummy. I just got annoyed and all..." You stared at his brown eyes while he stared back at yours. He leant forward and you also did. Your and his lips touched and you melted in to it. He put his hands on your waist while you draped your arms on his neck, pulling him close. You deepened the kiss and circled his brown locks. You both pulled away. His eyes are half lidded and his eyes are full of his never ending lust.

"So so beautiful... I can't resist you… You're so beautiful..." He whispered as he caresses your soft cheek and looking at your face.

"I can never control my lust over you anymore since that night... I can never anymore... You made me out of control..." He said. You blushed and swayed his hair back (even though it is already slicked back).

"You're annoying... Just do whatever you wanted to do..." You said. His smirk grew wider. A vein popped in your head and wiped his face again.

"I said stop giving me that smile!" You said, already annoyed. He smiled and started sucking your neck, while you pulled him close. And the night will be once again, long.

Look at me my dear
Whatever may fate brings
Hold on tight
And never say goodbye

Whatever pain brings
Don't mind him
I will lend a shoulder
And we will cry together

We must look forward
Unless one of us is a coward
We must look up to our future
That will always keep us curious

The new life that you gave me
Is a debt I will keep till the end of my days
You taught me how to love
That you also wants to have

And in this beautiful nightmare
That you gave me as a dare
I wish I wouldn't wake up sooner
And be with you forever


I made the poem :)

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