those b*tches

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"please keith... tell me what happened..."

Keith POV

'oh god no, i can't tell him!! he's my brother for gods sakes, he'll hate me!!'

i shake my head.

"mhmm...?" i look up at lance.
"tell me, okay? i can tell shiro whenever..."
i nod. i like that idea. i like the idea of me being alone with lance, he calms me, makes me feel important, no one else— not even shiro can do that for me. it's comforting.

we go into my room. me and lance sit on the bed, well lance locks the door first.

"before you start keith, i have something i want to say..."
"o-okay... what's up lance...?"
"...i'm ready..."
"for what?"
i stay silent.
"i love you and i want to date you, so, will you be my boyfriend?"

i hug him. i don't know how else to respond to this, but, i grab him and i kiss him. i give him time to register what's going on, he kisses back. my arms are around his neck and his arms around around my waist.

"i have wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea..." i say.
"how long?"
"a few months? maybe? maybe longer? i don't honestly know."
"i've wanted to do it for years keith... i've loved you since freshmen year..."
"i'm surprised i never really noticed you until earlier this year, it was stupid on my opinion. your too perfect, i don't know how i could have been so dumb..."
"it's okay... don't beat yourself up over this, your perfect too... your more perfect than me."
"no i'm not... my go—"
i get cut off with another kiss, i lean into it.
"stop putting yourself down okay?"
"...okay... i'll try..."
"thank you..."
we sit in silence for a minute. enjoying each other's company.
"i hate to ruin this but, you still need to tell me what happened..."
i take a deep breath.
"so... when i was young my parents abused me, physically and mentally, luckily not sexually. then they said they didn't need me... they put me in an orphanage. i was there for a few years... maybe? 4 or so? i got adopted in 7th grade by non other than shiro and his mom. hence why i have so many pictures, heh... then i was accepted into shiro's friend group, when shiro was around i fit in perfectly... when he was gone... t-they..." i take a deep breath. lance is rubbing circles into my back as i talk, keeping me from having a melt down, "they bullied me to the point where i got really, really bad depression... i was scared to be alone, i was scared for what they would do... i got anxiety because of it. they stopped bullying me for the first year of high school, then they got back into it because shiro, i injured him by accident... we were hanging out and i was being reckless and made him sprain his arm... i've been bullied by them ever since... i don't wanna be around them, it just makes shiro so happy..." i'm crying, no sobbing now. lance grabs me and hugs me. i don't hesitate to copy his movements.

"keith... you were so brave... you've been through hell and back, and your still an amazing person who is helpful, kind, resourceful, happy, bubbly, and more... i know when we were playing truth or dare a while back, i saw how you were trying to smile, i could see right through it... you were faking it for shiro... i love you keith... know your not alone and you can always come and talk to me..."
"thank you lance..." my voice is becoming squeaky and high, lance notices... he notices everything... from when my voice has sorrow in it, to my smiles, to my arms... to everything... he is truly perfect...
"want me to tell shiro...?"
i nod.
"want me to call him in or text him?"
"either... it might be easier to call him in but can we cuddle... first...? for a while...?"
"of course... you know shiro won't care if we cuddle right?"
"true... but i just wanna be with you right now..."
"sounds perfect to me..."

It's okay... everything's fine (COMPLETED/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now