Parents' Day

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***Author's note! I'm sure some of you are wondering just what happened at Parents' Day. Well let's take a look a month or so back, before the final exam. Enjoy!***

"Shichi you are up next," Shota called up the escape chute. We were practicing how to use evacuation equipment. I stood on the fourth floor, the building felt ready to come down. I stepped into the slide and began to freefall. Before I hit the ground the slide took over and I came out the end, safely on the ground.

"This is a waste of my time," Bakugo groaned, ever irritated.

"Don't forget, pros are always willing to help," Shota said. "When police and rescue teams can't make it, it's up to the pro heroes to step in and point people to safety."

"Wouldn't it be faster to just save them rather than guide them?" Hagakure asked.

"Perhaps when you are dealing with a small number of people," Shota said. "But this is for mass evacuations. That's why it's important you all learn how to use these tools."

"It might be helpful to use our quirks as well, right?" Sato asked. "Uraraka could make people float, getting them to safety."

"That's right," Shota nodded.

Once everyone was on the ground a helicopter approached. All Might revealed himself when it landed on the ground. "You're late," Shota glared at the hero.

"There was a villain I had to take care of," All Might explained. "Anyway I'm here now!"

"You were supposed to be the one teaching this class," Shota muttered under his breath.

We climbed onto the helicopter and were taken to a snowy mountainside. We did more evacuation training there and by the beach. We were shown how to direct people in emergencies and to make clear paths. In the snow Todoroki and I were perfect for melting snow and ice to help people move on stable ground. After the training was over we headed back to campus.

Once we were back in the classroom Shota said, "next week is Parents' Day. Make sure these handouts get to your parents." He passed out the papers to everyone but me. I didn't need one since my parent was also my teacher. "I want you all to write letters of appreciation to your parents as well. During class you will read them aloud."

"We seriously have to read them out loud?" Ashido complained.

"That's so embarrassing!" Jiro chimed in.

"Sir, don't you think it would be better if our parents saw an activity more fitting of the hero course?" Iida asked.

"I can't think of anything more fitting," Shota said. "As aspiring heroes you are bound to receive thanks and appreciation from those you save. That's why it's important for you to think about what that entails. However before that there will be a brief tour and a practical demo. Class dismissed."

After class, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and I walked to the train station together. "I wonder if there is a page limit for our letters," Iida said, tapping his chin.

"Are you planning on writing a lot?" I asked.

"Most likely," Iida nodded. "I want to fully show my appreciation."

"I don't even know where to begin," Midoriya said nervously. "I've commented on heroes web pages before but this is totally different."

"Shichi are you going to write yours to Mr. Aizawa?" Todoroki asked.

"Yep, he's the only family I have," I said.

"Have you ever wondered about finding your real parents?" Iida asked.

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