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The next day started off with regular classes like English in the morning. It seemed like most people were bored, waiting for the actual hero training to begin. While we were all hoping to become pro heroes this stuff was still important. After the morning classes were over Midoriya invited me to have lunch with him, Iida, and Uraraka. The lunchroom was very nice and the food, while cheap, tasted amazing.

I sat next to Midoriya with a bowl of spicy ramen, spicy food was some of my favorites, especially when it had shrimp. Iida sat across from me and Uraraka across from Midoriya. We chatted casually for a bit regarding what we learned over the morning. As we were talking the lunch person came over to check on us, I guess he was a hero because Midoriya started gushing over him, I didn't recognize him though.

After lunch we went back to the classroom, everyone was eager for hero training. This morning Shota told me that today was going to be challenging, but I assured him I wasn't worried. He just gave me this look like he knew something I didn't, which happened a lot. Shota never told me things before they happened unless necessary. Something about you should learn in the moment, you won't always be prepared for every situation. So I sat there, doodling in my notebook waiting for class to begin.

Suddenly the door slid open and All Might burst in, "I am here, to teach!" He strode in exuding confidence causing the class to erupt in chatter. All Might really was going to be our teacher, I could hardly contain myself. All Might was my favorite hero besides Shota, I owed All Might a debt I could never repay.

"Woah that's All Might's Silver Age costume!" Midoriya said equally as excited as everyone else.

"Alright class, today we start basic hero training!" All Might explained, "we will be doing battle training and for that you need your costumes!" He pressed a button and out of the wall briefcases appeared with our assigned numbers.

Before the school year began we had to register our quirks along with designs for hero costumes. We were given an allowance and we filled out the details of what we wanted. Then a costume company would take those and make our designs. Shota helped with some of the details for mine but for the most part I knew what I wanted. I sent sketches of my costume along with notes on support equipment that I would need.

"Go ahead and change and I'll meet you at training ground beta!" All Might explained before leaving the classroom.

I grabbed the case with the number 20 on it. I opened it and was already impressed, they got the colors perfectly. Black and grey just how I wanted it, even though my quirk was elemental I wanted something that was neutral colors just incase I needed it for stealth missions. I quickly pulled it on, fastening the straps and belts. My shoulders were covered in an incredibly lightweight metal along with wrist guards made with the same metal. The half corset was stiff to protect my torso and it didn't hinder my mobility. I had a belt across my chest with three bottles with water, the instructions informed me that as long as there was even the slightest amount of humidity in the air they would automatically refill. On my hip were a few bags with sand I could use to blind opponents.  I tugged on the knee pads, made of the same metal as the bracers and corset. Lastly, I pulled on my boots and tied them tight before clipping the straps over the laces. I kept the hood down and my goggles around my neck. Just as I was closing the suitcase I noticed a piece of leather, the instructions said they left it for my hair, just to add some more style for the overall look. I wrapped it around the middle of my braid and headed out to the test ground.

We lined up according to our rankings, this put me in between Bakugo and Iida. I was relieved to have a friend on one side but on the other... Bakugo's outfit was made for his explosive personality. It was flashy and honestly, cool. I quickly looked away before he caught me staring too long. Iida's costume was sleek, it really brought out his engine quirk. Midoriya was the last one out, his costume was a teal-like color and the ears reminded me of All Might. Even the mask over his face seemed like a smile. It made me giggle just from how much he admired All Might.

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