After the Rain

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My ears were ringing and my head was pounding. The rain came down like a sheet between me and Monoma, he still stared at me with shock and fear in his eyes. I took a step forward and lightning flashed. I could feel the tears streaming down my face as I raised my hand, bringing my water whip upon Monoma. He quickly dodged it, but I grabbed his feet with the surrounding water.

"Shichi!" Monoma called out to me.

I didn't respond, he wanted to see a monster so that's what I was going to become.

"RUN!" Midoriya yelled.

I turned my head, thinking he was afraid of me too, but my eyes went wide when a strange black shadow rope came right at me, knocking me into a pipe. The wind was knocked from my chest and I hit the ground.

I swore in my mind, Monoma must've done something to him. I got back up and sent a gale force of wind at Monoma.

"Shinso!" He yelled as he stopped my wind.

I grit my teeth and ran towards Monoma, thunder echoed through the sky. As I brought my hands up I heard a voice.

"Kanna! Stop!"

"Shota?" I called out as I turned my head to look for him, thinking he came to stop the match.

That's when I saw Shinso and I lost control of myself. I went into a daze as I fell to the ground. He tricked me.

The next thing I knew, the storm was clearing. I could see Midoriya in the air still covered in the black ropes. Uraraka was holding onto him, trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working. I went to move but my body was exhausted, I used up so much energy making the storm.

I closed my eyes, I got so caught up in my own anger that I lost control and now I couldn't even help my friends.

I must've passed out because I was being shaken awake by Midoriya, "Shichi! Wake up! The match is still on, you've gotta move!"

"Midoriya?" I blinked at him. "You're okay?"

"Uraraka and Shinso helped me calm down, they stopped that new power that came out of me," he said. "I'm not sure where Monoma and Shinso are now though. Uraraka took off after Monoma. I need you to go help Ashido."

"I'm sorry, I lost control," I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying.

"It's okay, I did too," Midoriya said. "Now lets win this."

"Yeah, good luck," I nodded to him before getting up and going to find Ashido.

She was fighting the other three classmates from class B.

"Twin Impact!" Shoda yelled, activating his quirk to send a piece of metal flying at her.

"Air Shield!" I jumped in the way, bringing up a wall of wind, blowing it away.

"Shichi!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Let's take these three out together!" I looked at her giving her a smile.

"Yeah!" Ashido nodded.

I gave her a boost into the air before jumping after her, "We'll take em out in one go!"

"Pinky and Elemental combination move!" Ashido yelled setting up her acid while I pulled water from the ground.

"Acid Rain!" We yelled in usion, showering the area around class b with acid and water.

All three of them ducked to avoid the acid and thats when I grabbed them with the ground, trapping them. Together we knocked them out and tossed them into the makeshift prison.

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