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Her life started seven years ago. That fateful day the man called her forward. "Test subject seven please step into the room." She kept her head down as she walked barefoot into the 'earth' room. She learned never to look at the man directly. Dirt and grass covered the floor, she wiggled her toes letting the soft grass brush against her. She looked around and saw the familiar boulders that were strewn about.

"Okay whenever you are ready," He commanded. She had already done this many times. She slid her foot back and lifted the rock as high as she could. "Great, now down." As she was slowly lowering it her hand slipped and the rock fell cracking in half. "Damn it I told you before!" He snapped as he proceeded to beat her with the baton he carried.

She fell to the ground and whimpered with every blow. Blood began to seep from her wounds staining the white shirt they had her wear. If she cried out or struggled they would only make the beating worse. She learned to endure the pain and wait for it's end.

A woman stepped into the room. She pulled her glasses down, glaring at the test subject. "I don't understand why she struggles with this one."

"Maybe it's a defect?" The man said as he cleaned and folded the baton. He put it in his pocket and forced the subject to stand. Despite her pain she stood steady, waiting for a new command.

"Could be. Her air and water quirks seem to do well," The woman said reviewing her clipboard. She wrote down a few notes, clicking her tongue in disappointment.

"Maybe she just isn't trying hard enough," The man said grabbing the girl by her arm. "You, take her away. Make sure to spray her wounds."

An assistant came forward and grabbed the girl dragging her down the hall. He stripped her naked and poured antibacterial liquid on her that burned. They didn't take the time to do each cut so they would just douse her head to toe. Once she was done the assistant dragged her back to her cell and left her there naked and cold. There weren't any windows in her cell so she couldn't tell when the day ended and night began. She curled up on her metal slab that was supposed to be her bed and silently cried herself to sleep. This was her life, for eight long years she endured the daily torture.

"Get up," The man said opening her cell. She was unsure how much time had passed.

"I'm afraid," She sobbed unmoving.

"I don't give a shit. Let's go number seven," The man commanded.

"No," She raised her head defiantly, her steel grey eyes cutting straight through to him.

"You dare disobey me?!" The man glared at her. He lifted his hand to slap her face.

"I refuse!" She snapped finally reaching her breaking point. The ground started to tremble around them. She wanted all of it to end even if she had to bring down the whole building. She increased the tremors until the man fell backwards. She brought her hands up and two pieces of rock shot up to protect her as the lab started to come down on top of them. She didn't know how long the earthquake went on for but she closed her eyes and waited for it to end.

"Over here I think I hear someone!" A voice called out. She didn't recognize it, out of curiosity she dropped the rocks around her and peered out.

"I-is someone there?" She asked softly.

"Don't worry child. I am here." A tall man with yellow hair took his cape off and wrapped it around her. He noticed the scars that covered her body, lashings all across her back. Scars that ran down her arms and legs. Fresh wounds on her chest and bruises all over. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked trying to steady her shaking.

"I'm test subject number seven," She responded leaning into the man. She sensed he was kind, she wanted nothing more to believe he wouldn't hurt her.

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