Hero Course

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I walked through the hall, ready to get to my classroom. I came up to the huge door that said 1-A. My hands slightly shook as I slid the door open. Most kids were already in their seats. I tucked my chin to my chest and walked to my desk in the back corner. As I passed a kid with spiky, cream colored hair and red eyes I tripped and fell flat on my face. I looked back and realized I tripped over the kid's foot.

"Hey! Watch where you are going, Snowflake!" He yelled at me before turning around and putting his foot up on the desk.

I quickly got up and straightened my uniform, completely embarrassed. I sat down in my chair and put my hands over my face, trying to hide my flushed face. I kept wondering why he called me 'Snowflake,' maybe because of my white hair. Either way it wasn't a great way to start my day.

"Are you alright?" A voice from next to me asked. I looked up and saw a boy with red and white hair sitting in the desk next to me. He had a burn on his left eye, making me wonder what happened to him to cause that. I had my own burn and it didn't come with a pleasant story.

"I'm fine. Just a little embarrassed," I said quietly, still trying to cover my face.

"You shouldn't. It's that guy's fault. He shouldn't have had his foot in the aisle," He glared over at the boy with the spiky hair. He was arguing with Iida about why he can have his foot on the desk. "I'm Shoto Todoroki by the way."

"Kanna Shichi," I inclined my head forward, introducing myself. "Todoroki, your name sounds familiar. Are you related to the hero Endeavor?"

Todoroki's expression became hard and he glared at me, "I'm guessing you are a fan of my old man?"

I brought my hands up, waving them in defense, I didn't mean to offend him. "Not really. I think Endeavor is kinda cold and mean. I was just curious, I'm sorry for asking," I brought my right hand up, trying to cover my face. My voice quickly becoming increasingly shaky.

"Shichi, I didn't mean..." Todoroki started to say when a sudden commotion from the front of the class got our attention.

Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida were standing looking outside the class room in shock. I leaned forward trying to get a look but I couldn't see. It didn't matter anyway because Shota walked in, his sleeping bag sliding down his body. He must have been napping somewhere. I shook my head, embarrassed. He stepped out of it, holding it with one hand.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down, that is entirely too long. I am your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Hurry up and change into your gym clothes and meet me outside," Shota waved his hand impatiently. Everyone looked confused at his request, considering we were supposed to be going to the entrance ceremony.

Once we were changed we headed out to the courtyard. I tried to stay to the back, trying not to bring attention to the scars on my arms. Todoroki stood next to me and I could sense him looking down at me. I bit my lip and tucked my chin to my chest, letting my hair fall over my face. Shota said I didn't have to explain anything if I didn't want to. As I was becoming increasingly self-conscience I remembered Todoroki has a burn of his own. I doubt he was going to ask me anything.

As I was spacing out Shota's voice brought me back. "Today we are going to be testing your quirks."

Uraraka raised her hand, "what about the ceremony?"

"We don't have time to waste on things like that," Shota said frowning at the class. He was very serious when it came to wasting time. "UA is known for its 'freestyle' teaching and this applies to the teachers as well."

I could tell Shota was becoming bored, so I peeked out from around the class and gave him a quick smile. He looked at me but didn't change his expression. Todoroki raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged it off. The class started muttering about UA's teaching style but Shota quickly cut them off.

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