Owen told Bree that he and Heaven decided to break up before she left for the eating disorder treatment center. Considering she was leaving tomorrow, this was their last day together.

With a heavy heart, I turned my head back around before they started talking. Before the guilt came running back.


"We used be walking bitches," I said as we plopped down on the warm grass in the middle of EverGreen Park, sipping our strawberry milkshakes that we bought from McDonald's on our way here.

Bree scoffed. "More like walking disasters."

I glanced at her and we share a short laugh.

It was a sunny day and EverGreen Park was packed with town residents everywhere. Kids were playing with toys and chasing each other. Some teens were playing soccer, others were lying on the grass with their boyfriends, girlfriends or friends, eating, talking and laughing, and some were on a nice date with a good book. Some couples were strolling by with their baby strollers.

"So have you thought about college?" Brew asked, nibbling on her straw.

"I've always wanted to be a social worker like dad. I think I'll attend a college here in the state. Maybe one or two hours away, so I don't have to go far from my family. I've just gotten the feeling of being a part of a loving family back again. I don't want to leave it. Plus, I want to see my sister grow up," I replied.

Bree smiled. "That's a good plan. I just can't wait to get the hell out of here after summer and never return."

I frowned. "Never return?"

Bree sighed. "You have your dad, Mia, soon your sister who you're going to watch grow up and Cayden. Doesn't matter if you go to college far away or nearby, you'll always have a life waiting for you here. Me, I don't have anything worth staying here for. I'm sick and tired of living in a town of only one thousand people who know almost everything about you, who give you those judgmental looks wherever you go and whatever you do, know all your mistakes and secrets. Most people here look at you as if you're naked and your past and all your dirty secrets are tattooed to your skin."

That was true. That's how this town was. But I knew Bree had people here who loved and cared for her deeply. There were people in this town who couldn't imagine their lives without Bree Johnson. Me, for example.

Bree stared at the two little girls around the age of six or seven playings with dolls on a picnic blanket nearby us while their mom had her nose buried deep in a book. The dad was tuning his guitar.

She held her gaze on them as she continued. "I don't want to be the slut who has banged almost every teenage boy her age in this town. I don't want this image anymore. I want to go somewhere completely different and create a new me."

I nodded. "Okay, I respect your choice, but I need you to know that you'll always have me, my dad, Mia, my sister, Cayden, Alec, Owen, Faith, Mr. Standall, Amelia and Kyle. You can always return to us."

Bree smiled brightly and squeezed me in a side hug before we laid down on the grass, staring at the vivid blue sky. It might've seemed ordinary to some people, but to me, the sky was extra blue today and the clouds looked extra soft and fluffy.

My palms were pressed against the cold, wet damp around the milkshake paper cup. "And you and Alec?

"We're friends. Really good friends. But none of us want anything serious or a relationship. We don't want to settle with anybody specific yet. There's so much time for that," she said, putting her cold milkshake cup against her cheek and sighing.

I glanced sideways at her. "Okay, but just remember, love is for you too. Love is for everyone. And you deserve it. More than you think you do."

Bree grinned. "Thanks. I just have to figure out myself first. I'll figure out love after that."

I understood and respected that. I wanted Bree to do this. I wanted her to explore all the layers of who she was underneath the slut image. I was doing it too. I'd continue doing it.

She stared dreamily at the sky as if every destination she had planned on visiting after graduation was mapped out across it. "And maybe I'll find a cute boy in France. Maybe I'll cross paths with a lovely girl in India. The world is filled with far too many interesting humans. Besides, I want to explore who I am by exploring the world. I want to learn who I am by learning more about the world."

I smiled widely and rested my head on her shoulder. "You're going to be okay, Bree. I know it."

Bree put her head on mine. "You too, boo. You too."

And like that, we spent the next hour gazing up at the sky, feeling the sun warm our skin, talking about anything and everything while sucking on our plastic straws in hope of finding any last traces of milkshake in our empty cups.


Author's note: Hi, friends! So sorry for a late update

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Author's note: Hi, friends! So sorry for a late update. I've been very busy the past few days. Anyway, the sad news is, since Heaven is leaving and won't be in town anymore, she won't be in the next book. This was goodbye to Heaven's character (maybe).

Only one more chapter left!

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