Start from the beginning

I smile and lean back, pushing my hair off my shoulder and grab another nouthful of ramen.

"Oh." I hear Yoongi's voice suddenly blutt out loudly.

"What's that, Willow?" I freeze with the chopsticks in my mouth and look up at him, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"What?" I ask, dropping the chopsticks and swallowing the mouthful.

"That." He points to his own neck, and my stomach drops.

"I don't remember seeing that before the weekend. It looks like someone's been busy." He chuckles darkly, immediately putting me right on the spot in front of Taehyung.

"It's nothing." I mumble, pulling my hair back over my shoulder.

"I can see the teeth marks imprinted on your skin. That's not nothing." He smirks, leaning in closer across the table, his voice low.

"Who was it? Hoseok?" He asks, the volume of his voice returning back to normal.

"What? No." I scowl at him, my blood beginning to boil with anger.

I feel Taehyungs gaze on my from my right. I turn to look at him, and he quickly looks away, a nervous expression on his face.

"Oh, was it sweet little Taehyung here?" Yoongi asks, teasing me.

Taehyung fidgets in his seat and looks up at Yoongi with shock, not uttering a word.

"No, leave him alone." I say, glaring at him threateningly.

"Hmm... Then who could it be?" His tone is playful yet mean. He taps his finger on his chin, testing his elbows on the surface.

"How about it's none of your fucking business?" I snap, my blood now reaching boiling point.

He let's out a loud laugh, chortling obnoxiously.

"Willow has a bark I see." He teases.

"But does she bite, I wonder?" He winks, chucking darkly.

"You're an asshole." I hiss, slamming my spoon down onto the tray and sliding it forward angrily.

"Ah, come on. I'm only messing." He laughs.

"You might find it funny to pick on the weak, but we don't. I thought you were a pretty nice person when I first met you. You're not much different from your scumbag friend." I spit, standing from the table.

I turn around, about to walk out of the cafeteria, until I stop in my tracks. I turn back around and stare at him. He looks back at me with a slight grin, and I know exactly what'll wipe it straight off his face.

"By the way..." I trail off, slowly walking back to the table. I lean my hands on the surface and bend down to his eye level, drawing close to his face.

He doesn't move, he only looks back at me with that same smirk on his face.

"It was me who ratted out your piece of shit friend." I whisper menacingly.

The grin falls from his face, and he looks at me in shock. His expression soon changes to anger, his brows furrowing and his nostrils flaring.

I smirk at him, and lift my hands off the table, walking out of the room and not turning back.

I walk down the hall, slamming my feet angrily across the floor. I mutter to myself, letting out a breath as I try to calm down.

I turn a corner, and I immediately crash into a hard surface. I fall backwards, yelping in shock.

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