Chapter 41

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Hours passed and Barry waited not so patiently in the Cortex, inside the med bay Y/N slowly opened her eyes. The bright lights above her blinded her vision slightly, she saw a figure standing over her.

"Barry?" she asked softly.

"Not quite," Thawne replied.

Y/N recognized his voice instantly, she immediately became more alert as she tried to sit up she was scrambling as she tried to getaway. Thawne held her back, "Take it easy," he cautioned as he tried to get her to sit down. "The gas you inhaled did severe damage to your lungs."

Y/N fought against Thawne, but she was still weak. Y/N managed to get out of the bed, she stumbled on her feet weakly as she backed away from Thawne.

The very sight of him brought horrible memories rushing back.

Barry heard the commotion from the Cortex and rushed in into the med bay, pulling Thawne away from Y/N. "Just stay back," he told Thawne.

Barry rushed to Y/N's side, standing between her and Thawne. Y/N was coughing and struggling to catch her breath. Barry was keeping her steady with his hands as she tried to gain her bearings.

"If you had listened you wouldn't be struggling to breathe right now," Thawne chimed in with a snarky tone. "Your lungs are severely damaged, you should be taking it easy."

Thawne's words certainly weren't helping Y/N as she tried to distance herself from him. Barry soon noticed how Y/N's hands were shaking in fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're okay," Barry told her, his hands rubbing up and down her arms calmly before he held both of her hands in his as he tried to help her stand.

Y/N shook her head, her hands still shaking mildly, "Which Thawne is that, and what the hell is he doing here?" she questioned.

"I'm from this Earth, the past, 2014 more specifically," Thawne cut in.

Y/N's brows were furrowed in confusion, "Why aren't you two fighting?" Y/N asked. "Why is he here?"

Barry sighed, "The gas you inhaled was too powerful, Caitlin and Julian couldn't help, so I began to wonder who the smartest person I know is, and that just so happens to be him," he explained.

Y/N shook her head, "You brought him here to help me?" she questioned in disbelief.

Y/N knew full well what Thawne was capable of, she didn't want to know what Thawne could have done to her when she was unconscious...

Barry didn't recognize the look in Y/N's eyes, he had never seen it before. It had never been directed at him, that's because it was a look of betrayal and distrust.

Barry nodded slowly, "Y/N...I didn't have any other choice."

Y/N pulled her hands away from Barry, her head shaking, "You had every choice to make, and you made the wrong one..."

Thawne stepped forward, "Now, is that any way to talk about the man who just saved your life?" he wondered.

Y/N's jaw was tense, she suddenly felt dizzy and wobbled on her feet. Barry reached forward to steady her but Y/N stepped further back, away from Barry.

Barry's expression dropped, he felt hurt, Y/N didn't want his comfort. She still felt weak as she leaned against a cabinet for support.

Cisco walked into the Cortex and sat at his desk, he soon heard the ruckus coming from the med bay, Cisco came running in with Julian, both of them rushed past Barry to help Y/N.

It didn't take long for them both to realize how unnerved Y/N seemed, Cisco and Julian why she felt this way. The cause of her pain was standing on the other side of the room.

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