Chapter 32

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Y/N sighed, "Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you?" she asked.

The familiar pair of eyes belonged to none other than Clockwork himself.

Clockwork continued to stare down at her disapprovingly, "Are you forgetting that you were just faced by the man that is arguably the worst evil you have ever faced?" he countered.

"Not exactly my proudest moment," Y/N replied. "How is he even alive?" she questioned.

"Eobard Thawne from Earth-5 is dead," Clockwork told her. "What you saw was merely a part of the timestream."

Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion, she didn't understand why Clockwork would do this to her, "Why would it show me that?"

"It is a defense mechanism," Clockwork explained. "I was hoping you would leave."

"I was looking for you, I need your help," Y/N told Clockwork.

Clockwork shook his head, "I have no more help to offer, this is something you must do on your own..."

Y/N sighed, feeling defeated. "Then why did you just let me run along the timestream for that long? Why would you let it show me my past like that?" she questioned.

"To learn, for the future tests," Clockwork answered.

Y/N furrowed her brows, "You said that our Earth was the last test," she reminded Clockwork.

"I never-"

"Yes you did," Y/N interrupted. "I have a photographic memory, trust me, I remember. The only way you wouldn't remember is aren't Clockwork..."

Suddenly,  everything around Y/N transformed. She saw endless space surrounding her on a circular platform as she was face to face with the Monitor who had given John Deegan the Book of Destiny in the first place.

"I wasn't on the timestream...was I?" Y/N questioned.

"No," the Monitor answered. "You weren't."

Y/N's jaw tensed, knowing that the Monitor had been the one to remind her of the past, to taunt her with images of Thawne.

"Why?" Y/N asked. "Why would you show me my past?"

"To test you," the Monitor answered. "You are a single member of the team; I was testing you to see if you alone were strong enough to face the coming evil."

"I thought the test was on our team, to see if we were strong enough together?" Y/N questioned.

The Monitor shook his head, "That's where you are wrong, this is a test of individuals and teams," he corrected. "We worried about our heroes not being strong enough without their other hero counterparts."

"Why?" Y/N asked. "You and Clockwork keep talking about this coming evil, and how horrible it bad can it possibly be?"

The Monitor snapped his fingers, transporting Y/N into a vision of the future. 

Y/N looked down as saw that she was standing on the rubble of buildings, she looked up and saw that the sky was tainted a dark red.

All around Y/N she saw the destruction of Central City, the entire city laid in ruins, smoke billowed in the skies. Y/N spun on her heels and saw Oliver on the ground, unmoving beside Kara and Clark. Far off Y/N could see the Legends were in the same state.

A hand on Y/N's shoulder caused her to turn around, Y/N lost her breath when she saw Barry. He collapsed into her arms before she laid him on the ground, his head on her lap.

"Y/N," he whimpered softly.

Barry's suit was covered in blood, his mask had been ripped off, he was beaten and bruised.

Y/N shook her head in disbelief, tears in her eyes, "No..."

Suddenly, Y/N was thrown back into reality, "What was that?" she questioned.

"That was the evil you were asking about, that is what happens..."

Y/N shook her head in disbelief, "No, you said that if we passed your test that we could fight the coming evil...that we could win..."

"That is simply the future," the Monitor told her.

Y/N shook her head, "What the hell purpose does this damn test serve?"

The Monitor sighed, "You never change things by fighting in the existing reality. To change something, you must build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete," he explained. 

"So your whole plan is to mess with reality enough that it might change something in the future?" Y/N asked.

The Monitor nodded, "And it worked."

Y/N shook her head, "I'm not so sure that it did..."

"That is what winning looks like," the Monitor told Y/N. "You see death and destruction on a scale hitherto undreamt of, but it is the latter of what would happen if we did nothing."

"There has to be a way to minimize that destruction, just tell me how and I'll do it," Y/N begged.

The Monitor sighed, "The prophecy states that the sacrifice of a true hero may be able to stop this evil long before any major destruction can occur."

Y/N's heart sank as she remembered that Clockwork had told her earlier that she was a true hero. The pieces of the puzzle slowly started to fall into place in her mind. 

Y/N thought about Barry, she knew he was strong, and that he would be fine without her. He would have to be because to sacrifice one life to save millions seemed like an easy decision. Even when it was Y/N's life on the line.

"I'll do it," Y/N told the Monitor. "I'll give my life..."

The Monitor was shocked by Y/N's sudden decision. "Are you aware of the sacrifice you are making?" the Monitor asked.

Y/N nodded slowly, "Yes, my life ended the day Earth-5 was destroyed, ever since I've just been trying to make sure what happened on that day never happens again."

"Your life began the day it nearly ended," The Monitor recalled. "That fateful day on Earth-5 when Eobard Thawne tried to kill you," the Monitor continued. "That is what I was trying to show you earlier. You weren't a hero until you were on Earth-1 until you suffered a great loss. That is what Clockwork tried to show you...Those circumstances made you a hero..."

Y/N shook her head, "People become heroes, not because of circumstances, but in spite of circumstances," she corrected.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that you agreed to give your life-"

The Monitor was interrupted by a breach opening behind Y/N, Y/N turned and was relieved to see Barry and Oliver in front of her, they were both back to being themselves, their reality was fixed. But at what cost?

"Congratulations," the Monitor spoke. "You have passed the test, and you will face the coming evil..."

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