"What kind of game?" Charlotte asks.

"Hmm... I dunno," Peter says as if it is a hard choice.

"Why don't we play Monopoly?" Charlotte asks.  We all agree so Peter goes and bets the board.

It is 2am when I notice Bella's eyes dropping and her hand constantly covering a yawn. I stand up and pull her with me. "I am going to take Isabella to her room," I announce. "I'll be back." I pull a half asleep Bella with me but she continues to stumble so I sweep her into my arms who she nestles into my chest. Her warmth flooding me and her heartbeats gradually get slower and her breathing goes even. I walk upstairs carefully and go to her room. As I go to place her down, her fist grabs a bunch of my shirt. I laugh quietly and carefully pry my shirt our of her fist.

"Please stay," she mutters. "Jasper don't go."

"Okay my darling. Let me go say goodnight to Peter and Charlotte then I will be back," I say laying her on the bed. I quickly run down the stairs where Peter and Charlotte look at me, eye brows raised. Time for 20 questions!

"Is Bella your mate?" Peter asks.

"I think so," I reply.

"Are you going back to her?" Charlotte asks.

"Yes," I say.

"What about Alice and Edward?" Charlotte asks.

"What about them? They have their mates," I say. Charlotte and Peter both engulf me in a hug, which I accept and return.

"When will you tell her?" Peter asks.

"Not now. Not yet. She just got rid of him she doesn't need another problem," I say removing myself from the embrace.

"Okay we won't say anything. We are going hunting, so we will be back later. Good night Jasper," Charlotte says.

"Good night guys,". I say before dashing up the stairs. Bella sits up in bed watching me as I close the door. " Sorry I took so long, Peter and Char are going hunting." I drag the sofa from the corner to her bedside. I watch as Bella's eyes sparkle as she watches me.

"It's okay. Thank-you for always being here for me," she says with pure gratitude.

"Bella you don't need to thank me. I will always be here for you, forever," I say holding her hand. Electricity pulses through me and I look quickly to Bella's pale pink lips. My mind wonders what it will be like to kiss them, but I dismiss that thought straight away before returning my gaze to her eyes.

"Jasper why aren't you suffering with blood lust?" Bella asks suddenly. The question shocks me, but I know she will want an answer.

"I don't know everything, but I know if has something to do with the fact I am used to the scent of your blood. After all you basically lived at our house," I smile.

"I am glad you and I are friends Jasper. I don't know why but I have a weird feeling that..." She breaks off and nervousness flows around her.

"Bella you can tell me anything," I assure her, watching her whilst drawing patterns on her skin.

"I feel like there is something weird happening. Like this trip is going to explain everything to me," Bella frowns.

"Don't worry Bella. If anything happens, I'll protect you," I smile.

"Isabella," she mutters before sinking into her bed. "I prefer Isabella."

"Of course my darling," I whisper kissing her hand.

"Jasper, will you lay with me?" She asks quietly.

"Okay," I stand and walk around the bed and hop under the blankets. Bella moves so her chest is pressing against my chest and she buries her head in the crook of my neck. I slowly wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair line.

"Good night Isabella," I whisper.

"Goodnight Jasper," she mutters before her breaths even and she falls asleep in my arms. I always thought Edward was a creep for watching Bella sleep, but tonight I realize what fascinated him so much. Bella's hand grasps some of the cloth from my shirt and she snuggles into my chest. Her eyes flutter occasionally as she dreams. I breathe in her scent and my silent heart almost beats again. Bella smells like freshly mown grass and fresh air. Her hair, which is pulled into a bun, smells like strawberries. She smells so good, I am surprised Edward never bit her. As I stroke her hair I notice a scar poking our if the top of her neck.  I pull down her collar of her top down and gasp quietly. She has a scar found from the top of her neck to her shoulder blades. There are more scars there, as if someone had scratched her. Anger flourishes through me and I want to kill who ever hurt her. But Bella is sleeping on my chest and I know I can't leave her, even if I wanted to.


When I wake up, arms are tightly wrapped around me and a hand is striking my hair. My head lays on someone's chest and I can hear his even breathing. I inhale through my nose and smell cologne and hay. Jasper! I sit up slowly and stretch with a smile on my face. I turn to the handsome man laying Beside me. "Good morning Jasper," I say pulling my hair out of its bun.

"Good morning Isabella," he says looking out of the window. I frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask laying back beside him, leaning in my elbows so I can look at him.

"Would you tell me if someone hurt you?" He asks. My hand instantly flies to the scars on my neck and my mouth falls open with a pop.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I saw them last night," he says finally turning to me. Jaspers expression is pained and I have to look away. I stand up and head out side Jasper following me. I head out into the forest and stop in a clearing.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

"Everything! Isabella I have to know who hurt you," Jasper says watching me carefully.

"Please keep an open mind. What I am about to tell you will change everything."

Cliff hanger!
What do you all think of the story?
I love Peter and Charlotte!
Where do you think Isabella got her scars from?
Do you prefer Bella or Isabella?
Jazz or Jasper?
Charlotte or Char?
Please comment your thoughts!

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