149. Not Again (Newt x Reader)

Start from the beginning

“How long until the Doors close?” I asked Gally nervously, the first Glader I saw.

“Not long” He just answered eerily.

“He’ll make it” Thomas kindly rested his hand over my shoulder, and I felt slightly less apprehensive.

Thomas was still wearing his Runner outfit, backpack and all. He probably arrived from the Maze just a while ago himself.

“Were you guys running a section each?” I asked him, and he nodded.

That, on the other hand, left me with anxiety.

Minho was alone. And if he was hurt or lost or who knows what, he couldn’t get any help. And that might be troublesome for him, maybe deadly.

A few more seconds passed as us Gladers kept our glares in the Maze, waiting to see his figure turning the corner and coming back to us.

“Nothing yet?” Newt and Chuck had finally arrived with us.

“No” Gally blankly answered. Although the expression on his face seemed neutral, I could see the concern and restlessness in his eyes.

I got ahold of Thomas’ shirt, feeling way too nervous and edgy.

Startled, he carefully pushed me aside.

“There he is” Thomas pointed his finger at the inside of the Maze, and my eyes quickly darted in that direction. “He’s going to make it”

“That bloody shank” Newt proudly said.

A row of gasps was heard along the crowd as Minho dropped to the floor. I gasped in horror. He was not okay.

“Minho!” I screamt, holding on to Thomas’ shirt even tighter.

I knew I couldn’t go inside the Maze, it was forbidden. But Minho was my friend, and he needed help. I couldn’t just let him die. Should I go in and help him?

My eyes didn’t leave Minho’s figure. At least he seemed to be still breathing as he weakly brought himself to his feet once more.

“Come on, Minho!!” Thomas shouted, his voice echoing through the corridor of stone walls.

I looked up at him and in my heart grew a spark of hope. Minho couldn’t make it through those Doors on his own, and no one was allowed in. But Thomas…. he was a Runner, he was allowed.

Nevertheless, Thomas was taking way too long to react. I read in his eyes that he wanted to run in and save his friend. But his mind seemed to be taking longer to process that he was actually supposed to move.

The ground beneath us started to shake, the movement of the enormous walls sliding to a close filling the whole courtyard.

That was it. Now or never.

I pushed everyone close to me aside so they wouldn’t hold me back and then I proceeded to run in.

Everything seemed to slow down in that moment. I could hear all of them yelling as they realized what I was doing.

I thought that deed would probably earn me a whole night in the Slammer to say the least. If I made it back, that was. 

However, if I did come back alive and in one piece, I wouldn’t mind. I needed to save Minho.

“No!” Thomas yelled.

“Y/N! Don’t you bloody do it!”

“Stop her!”

I felt how many hands tried to reach out for me and pull me back, but I was already in the Maze. I was ready to help Minho, who still struggled to just take a few steps towards the entrance –or the exit- where the boys were.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now