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It's just me this time! Glitchy tried to stage some kind of intervention for Lost for whatever reason.

How come babe?

Because Lost said he's gay.


And if that's the case, then Silver would technically be—


: I prefer guys though, so don't get your hopes up...

Then how come you're not gay?

: Cause I gotta make an exception for Y/n. I'd go straight for her any day~


Watch it Lost...


: Run away with me, my beautiful Y/n!

Honestly, what am I going to do with you guys...?

___ⓛⓞⓐⓓⓘⓝⓖ— Lost is trying to make his grand escape with Y/n with Glitchy dragging Red along___

___R E S E T___

This is stupid...

Life is fucking stupid...

I growled and walked down the street. I didn't know where I was going because I was too busy being upset.

I didn't think what she had to say would hit me that hard. At the same time, I had no right to be mad. I was being a hypocrite and reacting the way she thought I would.

Actually, I was handling this better than I thought. Usually, Glitchy would have went on a rampage fueled by anger and probably jealousy. I was a little jealous, but mainly hurt.

"Damn... Damn it all... I should've seen this coming..." I mumbled and sighed softly. "Seen what coming?" A girl's voice rang in my ears and I looked up.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen her from. There was someone trailing behind her and my curiosity only grew further. "Who are you...?" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked her up and down.

She looked more or less normal. Except for the timepiece that replaced her eye. That was freaky as hell.

"Natalie! Who are you talking to?" Toby's voice came up from behind her and my eyes widened. "O-Oh shit! You're Toby's girlfriend!" I put two and two together and backed away a bit. She laughed and stepped back as well, Toby now perched by her side.

"Oh, it's you Red. What're you doing out here?" Toby asked and crossed his arms. He wasn't wearing his usual attire that I was used to seeing. Instead he wore a green plaid shirt and some khaki pants. He still had scarf wrapped around his neck, but it wasn't up to his mouth.

Date night probably...

Thats nice.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I was just grabbing some fresh air, y'know..." I mumbled and shoved my hands into my pockets. "He was mumbling about some girl." Natalie laughed and nudged my shoulder, teasing me as if it were a joke.

I blushed and shook my head. "Th-That's not it at all...!" I laughed nervously and bit my lip. "Better not be thinking about my Nat..." Toby shot me a glare as he wrapped his arms around Natalie and I started to panic.

"L-Look! I-I don't even know her, s-so—"

"Red! We found you!" Y/n's voice called from behind me and I was about to explode with panic. "Y/n, wait!" I turned around but she had jumped in my arms headfirst. I stumbled back but caught her and wrapped her in my warm embrace regardless.

No Choice |Glitchy Red X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now