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: Don't worry Y/n, you can call me mommy.

Aw, that's adorable Lost!


No, he's just cuter than you.

: You can call me daddy, Glitchy.

: NO! What are you, gay?!

: ...yea.

: What.


: Wait what?

___ⓛⓞⓐⓓⓘⓝⓖ— Glitchy and Y/n completely dumbfounded as they try to decide if Lost is lying or not___

___ⓢⓘⓛⓥⓔⓡ' ⓟⓞⓥ

"Hey, wakey up." Lost shook me by kicking my leg repeatedly. "Why do you always say that wrong...? It's wake not wakey dummy..." I groaned and sat up, letting out a soft yawn and opening my eyes.

"You're all better now, so let's go. Please?" He sighed softly and sat down at the foot of the bed, his legs crossed and a smile on his face.

"I am? How do you..." I stopped when I looked at him more closely. "Oh... Lost, why did you do that? Are you okay?" I frowned deeply and reached over and touched his chest.

"No... Don't touch me there..." He squirmed and blushed. I retracted my hand quickly and sighed. "I told you to never do that again. You're gonna hurt yourself much worse than this."

I lightly touched the bruise on his cheek and he blushed more. "Okay I won't. But I want Glitchy to punish me more." He looked more excited than pained and I shook my head with a small blush. "You can't go around saying that either. Dummy..." I gently smacked his head and he laughed.

"But, where are we going exactly?" I got up from my bed and grabbed some clothes from nearby. "Well, shower first. Then we're gonna being Glitchy back home so that he can punish me." Lost chirped and got up from the bed as well.

"Uh huh... We're bringing Red back home. That won't be easy, but sure. Just, um... You should come back in now..." I smiled nervously and opened the door.

"Sure!" He walked over and deliberately pushed himself on me. I swore under my breath at the painful feeling as his body merged with mine. It was unnecessarily painful for us to split apart and converge again for some reason. Probably because we weren't supposed to, but still.

I sighed and walked out of the room, only to bump into the blue fur ball. "Sonic? What're you doing out here?" I tilted my head and gave an awkward smile.

"Well, I heard you talking to... not yourself, I almost forgot. And I decided to wait for you to come out. But, you're going out to bring Red back?" Sonic leaned against the wall and clenched his fist as a test of his strength.

I nodded and stood next to him with a smile. "Yeah, I'm gonna try. I wouldn't have to if some certain things did their job correctly." I rolled my eyes and gazed down at the belt hanging around my waist.

"Yeah that's right. All six of you are useless!" I scolded the Unowns in my party and received an onslaught of loud weird sounds in return. "Silver, who are you talking to this time?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

I grew flustered and rubbed the back of my head. "M-My Pokémon of course!" I took off one of my handy Pokéballs and showed him the grey and white sphere.

"Uh... aren't they dead or something?" He tapped it with his index finger as if there was something magical inside of it and I shot him a glare. "I don't think they would like you either." I huffed and looked away. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." Sonic rolled his eyes and stood up from the wall.

"Anyway, tell me somethin, would ya?" He nudged my shoulder and I looked back up at him. "What is it?"

"Are you tryna steal his girl?" Sonic grinned cheekily and I blushed madly, not sure how to answer that question.

His question reminded me of the promise I made to Red. At first, I was joking about liking Y/n. I was aware of how she felt towards Red, and how much she loved him. I was aware of how he felt and just how far he would go to show his love.

I was more than aware.

I felt his feelings too. I didn't know whether or not I could find a girl like Red did. One that was like Y/n that I would enjoy and cherish in my heart. It got to the point where I concluded that I really couldn't.

So instead, I found Y/n herself...

"Yes. Yes I am."

And I fell in love with her too.

___Y/N'S POV


Red called my name yet I still refused to look at him. I knew Julian only meant well, but this was a little much. He had gone into territory that I had yet to cover. But he didn't know, he was only asking a simple question.

"Y/n, that's not right... I think you should tell him now, my dear." Julian frowned deeply and placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and my breath hitched in my throat. "I-I know... I just... don't want him to hate me..." I mumbled quietly and clenched my fists.

"Y/n, whatever you have to say won't make me hate you. I just want to know. I need to know. I already told you how I felt. You know that your past means nothing to me." Red explained and insisted heavily that I speak.

"Secrets make me insecure."

My eyes widened and I looked up at him. In that moment, I didn't just hear Red speaking. I heard Glitchy as well. The emotions that they separately held became one, even though he wasn't apart of Red right now.

I made up my mind and nodded stiffly. "O-Okay... I will... I'll tell you everything..." I sighed and sat up straighter, my eyes meeting Red's.

"Before college, I was pretty normal... I guess. I got bullied and transferred schools a lot. When high school ended, I got past all that stuff and strived to achieve my dream of becoming the CEO of my own company... but college made me forget my dream. Unlike middle school and high school, I couldn't just transfer because of bullies. I had to deal with them. They were almost always guys, and I didn't know why they teased me the way they did. Towards the end of my first year though, I found out the hard way."

I paused and took a sharp breath. The story was going to be long, so I tried to find a shortcut and get the important details out first.

"I went to my first college party and there, I was raped... After that, every guy I encountered thought they could take advantage of me and use me, so that's what they did. It got to the point where I didn't bother to stop them and my mind became clouded with terrible thoughts. In my final year of college, towards midterms, I met my ex-boyfriend, Chase. When we started dating, he kept other guys away from me, but he wasn't much of a saint himself. He treated me like a hand-me-down and cheated on me multiple times. I wanted to break up with him, but he served as protection, so I didn't..."

Tears were in my eyes and I hugged myself close. "E-Every guy... put their hands o-on me... I-I lost all of my self-esteem and everything I did w-was shameful..." I cried in my arms and Julian wrapped his arm around me gently.

I didn't even bother to look up at Red. I didn't have to though.

He had walked away. Right out the door, like I thought he would.

But not before talking directly at me.

"Tell me you're lying, Y/n."

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