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: What's going on?
: If I can't get back to his body...
: ... I die too.

: Why can't I go back in?!


"My body hurts like hell... Doc, when can I leave?" I groaned and sat up on the bed. "Red, you understand that you're not like my other patients. I can't just fix you the way you wish for me to. I have yet to find a way to get your virus back in your system, and because you're both apart from each other, your physical body refuses to recover and his modded body is trying to decode itself." Dr. Smiley explained as he sat at his desk and started jotting some things down.

"It's not his fault your body is so complex, Glitchy Red. Please, do not pester Doc with your demands." Eyeless Jack sighed softly and sat down a metal tray on the nearby counter.

I'm gonna take that as him being friendly.

Smiley wasn't wrong though. For some reason, Glitchy couldn't enter my body. I was beyond confused because of this. Silver was able to separate from Lost no problem and attach right back together with ease. I knew it had something to do with having control, but it couldn't have been JUST that factor alone.

I sighed and looked down at my casted foot with a frown. "We'll be back soon. We need to stock up on more supplies." Dr. Smiley nudged Jack's shoulder and he nodded a bit. "Yeah, stay put." He walked out the door first and was followed behind by Doc, who closed the door behind them both.

"Damn! This is such bullshit! I should've stayed over and spent the night!" Glitchy growled and started complaining like always.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Stayed over where? Spent the night where?!" I raised an eyebrow and shot him a glare.

"Y/n's house dumbass! I was tryna be a good person -which is absolutely disgusting by the way- and leave for the night. But making out with her was the best feeling ever! I touched her plump ass, kissed her beautiful neck, and tasted those sweet lips of hers all last night. I could've fucked her on that couch, but noooo! I had to go! Dammit... She wanted me just as badly too!" Glitchy went on a rage and was punching everything in sight.

My eyes widened from his words, I clenched my fists and was fuming with anger. Anger that I had never experienced without his help. My body started shaking, trembling with the overwhelming pool of anger that was spilling over.

"You... Y-You FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!! Stay out of my body and DIE! I'll murder you for doing that to her!! For using her body like that! F-For... For lying to her! I would have never done that to her or say those things about her body!" I yelled at him. I was about to punch him, my fist high and my arm pulled back. My aim was for his face and as I came down to hit him, I stopped midway and started coughing up blood.

I sat back on the bed and gasped for air, trying to recover from the explosive rage I went through. More blood escaped my mouth though and I writhed in pain.

Glitchy laughed and scoffed in my face. "You're pathetic without me! Even watching you die won't make me like you any more than what I already do. You'll have no choice, like always, but to suffer Red." He waved me off and plopped back in his chair nonchalantly. "Plus, you're nothing but a fake. You're a pervert just like me because I'm only a persona of your own true feelings. You've wanted her for the longest and you've had the same thoughts. You would have done the same things I did if you were conscious then."

I felt dizzy. His words were spinning in my head and I could barely process any of what he had said. My eyes closed and everything grew silent.

No choice, huh?

___Y/N'S POV

"You... Y-You think I'm gonna let Zalgo get away with hurting Red?! I can't do that and I won't! He's the reason Red is suffering right now and I would rather suffer with him then just sit idly and spectate this shit! I love him, and if he dies, I won't be able to live with myself any longer!" I cried out as my tears fell to the ground.

"I know Y/n! I feel the same way! But Red would say the same thing about you. He told you to stay away from Zalgo at all cost, right? You have to trust him and listen to him. He's powerful and could kill half the Earth with the power he has if he wanted to!" Silver grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

I cried in his chest, my body growing weak and my head falling apart with all the information swarming around inside my brain. He held me in his arms and I continued to cry softly.

"Shshh... It's okay... I'll do everything I can to help you both." He whispered softly in my ear and rubbed my back for comfort.

"I-I wanna see him, Silver..." I whispered softly and nuzzled his chest gently. He blushed but sighed and frowned. "The mansion isn't safe for you... especially if Zalgo tries to come after you. Red wouldn't be able to protect you, nor would I." He objected to my idea in a very soft and endearing voice.

His reasoning makes sense, but still...

I let out a shaky sigh and decided to change the subject. I pulled away from him and continued walking towards my house that was starting to appear from within the distance.

"R-Red... He has an alter ego...?" I asked softly and looked up at Silver. He nodded with an odd look on his face.

"Well... I guess you could say that. Although, he's more like a somewhat physical persona. We both have one, his being named Glitchy, hence the title Glitchy Red. While mine is named Lost, hence the title Lost Silver. Glitchy is a very rowdy character though. He likes to pick fights, curse a lot, be a pervert... All that crazy stuff that rebellious teenagers would do basically. On top of it all, he's super rude and very negative." Silver explained and I gasped softly.

"Wait... Does that mean..." I started and he gave a slight nod with a nervous look on his face, "Lost told me that you and Glitchy did some... things together."

My face turned red and I could feel an oncoming nosebleed for some reason.

So Red wasn't the one that...?

I don't even know how to feel about this holy shit!

"Red had no idea either... I figure he's being told sooner rather than later." He chuckled nervously and rubbed my shoulders, comforting me from the horribly awkward feeling of stress I was experiencing.

"Th-Thanks for this, Silver... It meant a lot to have you by my side. And I feel so relieved to know what's going on." I stopped in front of the porch to my home.

Silver laughed softly before holding something up. Something that I had completely missed when we first started walking together. It was a hat, one that was black and red. "Of course Y/n. I enjoyed my time with you. And here, I forgot to give this to you earlier." I watched with a happy gaze as he placed the hat on my head gently.

"It's from Red. He wanted to add another one of his hats to your collection. Well, he called it a shrine but..." He released my arm and gave me a heart warming smile. "He's just full of himself sometimes. See ya soon, Y/n." He turned away and started walking back down the driveway. "Tell him I love it, and that I love him!" I called back and waved.

He nodded and waved with his charming bright smile on his face as well before taking off, eventually moving out of my field of vision.

I didn't realize it at the time...

That I would be making a difficult choice.

That my life would be stripped away from me.

Because in the end, I had sinned.

And this was a cruel world that showed sinners like me no mercy.

A world where sinners had no choice.

No Choice |Glitchy Red X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now