|| C H A P T E R 17 ||

En başından başla

"Your fine?! If you were fine we wouldn't be in a hospital room!" Mrs. Everheart yelled back. I didn't make my presence known and instead crept inside the room.

"Why are you here?" Grace crosses her arms and looked out the window.

"Excuse me?!" Mrs. Everheart raised her voice even more. She walked in front of Grace.

"I'm eighteen. You shouldn't have been called," Grace looked to the side. I didn't know she was eighteen. She's her own adult.

"Your still my responsibility!" Mrs. Everheart pointed a finger at Grace, "like it or not young lady you live under my roof therefore you are not as grown as you think you are!"

A knock on the door brought the two out of their argument, "excuse me. Is now a good time?" A doctor walked in.

"Yes, Sorry Doctor," Mrs. Everheart took the doctors hand in hers.

"Tracy nice to meet you again," the doctor greeted Tracy with a hug, "Yes well seeing that the condition your daughter was brought in we immediately ran some test," the doctor stoped talking and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on me.

"Yes, And is she alright?" Tracy pushed on.

"Physically she's fine. The bullets just truly grazed her took off some skin she'll heal in no time, but thats not it. Um, can I talk to you out in the hall?" Tracy nodded her head and followed the doctor out leaving me and Cali still standing.

"Sissy!" Cali reached for her sister so I set her at the end of the hospital bed. Cali's arms connected around her neck in a hug.

"Hey little monster."

I starred at the two not knowing how to act. Her eyes traveled over to me.

"Brooke drove us here!" Cali shed some light on the whole situation of me being here.

Grace turned back to her sister, "of course she did."

"Yup, she also said she'd take me down to the cafeteria to get some food," Cali turned back and looked at me.

I scratched the back of my neck, "I guess I did," I laughed nervously.

Cali hopped off the bed, "let's go then!" She yanked on my arm.

"I'll come with y'all," Grace threw the hospital covers off of her and then proceeded to throw her legs over the bed.

"I don't think that's the best idea!"

"Sure it is!" She brushed me off.

Brushing off Cali I went over and helped Grace up despite her protests, "maybe we should get a wheelchair or something?"

"No I'm fine," She all but pushed me away and held on to her IV since it's still connected to her we have to take with us.

I shook my head at her stubbornness and Cali proceeded to open the door. Outside stood Tracy, and the Doctor. Tracy had her back to us as we snuck out the room. The doctor made eye contact, but just shook her head as we walked in the opposite direction to the cafeteria.

Inside the elevator Cali jumped up and down going on and on about an omelet. Apparently she really wanted an omelet. The elevator stopped on the second floor and we all piled out Grace going first. I held onto Cali so we didn't loose her.

The food part of the cafeteria was a circle with different foods in each section. Since it was breakfast however, only the middle part was open. Cali ran over and I ran after her she looked up at the guy cooking with big doey eyes, "I want an omelet, please."

I stood behind her shaking my head.

"Lucky for you little lady, omelets are my specialty!" He winked at her.

A huge smile over took her face.


After getting food and paying for our plates we took a seat. I sat in front of Cali and Grace sat next to her. Looking over at Grace I could see she was in a distant land. She didn't get much, just a cinnamon swirl bagel, and some fruit.

"Where's Terra?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"She had to go home. Something about her mom was freaking out?"

I nodded my head not know what else to say. She wasn't the easiest person to talk to.

"There you two are!" Trace walked up to the table. She took a seat next to me.

"Why didn't the doctor talk to me?" Grace looked up at her mother.

Tracy sighed, "because its quite a sensitive topic."

"What did she tell you?" Tracy shook her head, "I have a right to know."

Tracy sighed, "whenever you came in last night you were out of it. They said the people who brought you in were tipsy, so they ran a drug test. A fake drug along with several other substances were found in your system, so they pumped your stomach along with doing a rape kit."

I looked over at Grace. She said nothing, but something flashed in her eyes. Before Tracy could say anything else she got up from the table.

"Grace Wait!" Mrs. Everheart yelled out to her.

Grace didn't turn around. Instead I got up, "I'll follow her."

"Thank you honey. I'm going to have a cup of coffee then go get a hotel room."

I nod my head and ran after Grace. Just in time to I rushed into the elevator before the door shut. She didn't even look up as I stood on the other side of the elevator.

I followed her all the back to her room where she just threw herself on the bed and bursted into tears. Not knowing what to do I walked over and rubber her back.

She sat up and starred at me with red puffy eyes. I thought she was going to yelling at me, but she did the exact opposite. Grace hugged me and bawled into my chest.

This time I was the one comforting her.


What are Brooke's parents gonna say about Brooke just leaving like that?

Are Brooke and Grace gonna be closer now?

Will Brooke discover some things about Grace's past?

Where's Brielle?

How do you think Brielle is going to react?

Will things go back to normal?

Sweet little imperfections Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin