Chapter 9: Ummm... It's Not Exactly Lying! It's Called... IMPROV.

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Dedicated to my wattpad buddy, PandaBear15!!! She made me this awesome new cover XD (off to the side somewhere)

Skylar's POV:

"Niall! NO. DON'T leave me!! Please, DON'T!!!" I screamed, as Niall walked away from me, leaving me alone in a room of dark shadows.

"'m sorry Skylar, but I can't stay, I have to go. 'm re'lly not worth ye time, anyways."

"Why? What have I done to you?"

"Apparently, 'm not wort'y enough for ye true feelings. Yeh lied to me, after all I've told yeh, an' after everyting we've been t'rough. I t'ought I knew yeh better."

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't yeh answer t'at yeself?"

Third person POV:

The restless brunette kept tossing and turning, enduring a terrible nightmare. Unable to escape the nightmare, she began mumbling uncomprehensible words. There was only one that stood out: Niall. It was 9 in the morning, and she was supposed to be up and moving, and getting ready to meet up with Liam and Niall at 10. But she fell into a nightmare-ridden slumber, and was unable to regain conciousness of the real world.

Well, until Liam and Niall decided to drop a surprise visit.

Niall's POV:

"Liam!!" I crooned impatiently, as I waited for him to finish talking on the phone with Danielle.

Lately, I've noticed that they've been calling each other, and arguing more than ever. I pray with all my well-being, that things are going to work out between them, because I know that if Danielle breaks up with him, it might just break him. Liam scolded me with his facial expression, basically telling me to hush up so he could continue talking. I was bored beyond relief, and our rental car that we shared was parked in the opening of the driveway.

We were at--well, in the driveway of Skylar's mansion, and holy fudge. It was huge.

Her gatekeeper wasn't in yet, so we drove up to her Bentley and began pounding on the front door, which I swear was embellished in Swarovski crystals. After 3 minutes of trying to break down her door (we literally tried that, Liam picked me up and rammed us both into the door... It hurt), we gave up and walked the perimeter of the house, looking for something to climb up or an open door or window. We were about to give up and leave when Liam spotted a vineladder leading up to a third-story window that was open.

I volunteered to climb up the ladder, while Liam was safe on ground, waiting there in case I fell. Slowly climbing my way up, I was about ready to climb through the window when I came face to face with Skylar, who screamed, which caused me to fall off of the ladder.


"I got you buddy!!" Liam was standing with his arms wide open.

Okay, good, I'm not going to die.

I ended up landing in a bush, ten freaking feet away from him. Gee, thanks for saving my life, great accuracy Liam.

"Oh my gosh! Niall?! Are you dead?!" It was Skylar, calling from her window. Have I ever told you how much she and Louis are alike sometimes?

"'m good! ...I tink!" I yelled back up to her.

"Niall? You okay, lad?" Liam called, ushering his way over to the bush that I was tangled in.

"Jus' dandy," I grumbled, before climbing out of the bush, and swatting off any leaves that stuck to me.

"First of all, why are you in my yard, and secondly, why were you climbing the vine ladder?!" Skylar's shrill voice questioned from behind me.

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