Chapter 14: Why Are My Friends So Weird?

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"Niall, what the hell was that?!"

"Yeah, what in the world were you trying to do? Are you crazy?"

"What is this business of Uncle Louis I hear?"

"I don't know what the hell I got myself into, don't look at me."

The Irish boy scratched the back of his neck nervously, stalling for time, as his friends were trying to get him to admit his little scene he caused earlier. He reached for a bag of pretzels, but Zayn swiped them off the counter before he could grasp it. Now he couldn't stall for much longer.

"I uh..." Niall began, contemplating whether to admit the truth or come up with a stupid explanation for his true intention.

"You...?" Harry questioned, lifting an eyebrow.

"I uh... Nevermi--"

"You tried to kiss her, didn't you?"

"Whu--No I did not!" Niall shouted defensively, crossing his arms, stomping his foot angrily.

"Admit it Niall, you like her. You've spent most of your time this past month talking to her or hanging out with her."

"No I did not!"

"Let's scroll through your phone, hmm, let's see," Harry teased, pulling Niall's phone out of his pocket.

"Yeh wanker! Where'd yeh get t'at?! Gi'me me phone! T'at is none of ye business!" Niall lunged for Harry, only to miss and trip, but the blonde boy managed to grab Harry's pant leg on accident, ultimately pantsing the curly-haired boy.

"What the bloody hell--Niall!" Harry yelled angrily, as the blonde boy stole the phone from the curly headed boy in a moment of vulnerability.

"Ehehe, ye wanker, ye wanker. It's t'e luck o' t'e Irish!" Niall sung, as he ran out the door.

"What are you doing? Don't just stand there! Catch him!"


"How much are you wiling to work for?" Louis asked the girl standing before him.

"Depends. What do I get in return?"

"Whatever you want."

"It's a deal."



"Mhm?" Skylar hummed through a mouthful of food.

"How come you never told me that you were going out with Niall?"

Accidentally sucking the unchewed food down her throat, Skylar choked, falling to the floor, thrashing around while enduring a coughing spasm. Sydney, who finally got over her blonde moment, went over to perform the trusty ol' Heimlich maneuver on her choking friend.

"Syd--Wha--what--are--y-you talking about?" Skylar asked, bewildered, and coughing after every word.

"I'm not stupid, Skylar."

"But, but..." Skylar stammered, searching her mind for excuses.



"... Skylar... Are you okay?"

"Psh, sure I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You sounded like Niall for a second there..." Sydney said, before gasping in realization. "Wait a minute..."

"Hmm?" Skylar hummed as she chugged a carton of orange juice.

"You and Niall are really dating! O. M. G! Uncle Louis! Louis was right!! He's gonna be an uncle! Wait, wait! That means I have to be their aunt! Yes! Your kids will be so cute--" Sydney rambled at a million miles an hour, pacing the kitchen, before being cut off by Skylar, of course.

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