Chapter 4: Ditching and a CWUSH

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Alrighty, CHAPTER TRES! (Cuatro now). How about 12 reads? If you like my story, tell your friends! I would love support! (: By the way I might update next weekend, I have a lot of tests this week! DX

Pulling into the driveway of her parent's mansion, and graciously thanking the gatekeeper, Skylar checked the time. 5:21 PM. Noting that Niall distracted her and left them bickering in the parking lot until 4:51, she was pretty impressed with her speeding skills. Being naturally adept at sneaking things in and out of her parent's sight, herself being one of those things on the list, she prayed that her parents weren't home, so she wouldn't be caught red handed and have to explain and possibly stretch the truth until it became almost a lie. As she stealthily unlocked the front door, and trying to make the least amount of noise possible, she slid into her house, lightly closing the door behind her and locking it. Mom and dad were nowhere to be seen, so she was good. Or so she thought.

When she was about halfway up the staircase, someone behind her cleared their throat. Uh oh.

'Shit, this had worked fine for the past two weeks!'

"Where do you think you're going?" A shrill, and impatient voice called up the stairs.

Gulp. Momma is coming. Get ready to run. FO YO LIFEZ.

"Where have you been? You were supposed to be home almost half an hour ago!" a manly voice boomed.

Now her father too? Great. Just great.

You don't want to listen to a poor girl getting lectured by her paranoid parents, so let's fly our story narrations over to a hotel room in Kissimmee.


Kicking his legs back and collapsing on his back, Niall laid on the a hotel bed and stared at the ceiling. He had broken into Harry and Louis' hotel room, using their spare card key. It turned out that One Direction was touring America, and Florida was their last stop. After the tour, they got two weeks to stay in Florida, and a three month break after that. Liam, who loved Orlando because of all the Disney-related things there, agreed to share an apartment there with Niall for the next three months. Niall smiled at the thought, as he waited for the rest of the boys to come back tonight. Liam went to Universal studios with Louis, while Harry was with Zayn at salon for the day. Harry was suffocating from his costumes that he was required to wear, and his curls were in a mass hysteria from the extreme heat and humidity, so he agreed to join Zayn on his trip to the salon today. Right as he was about to start a new thought about Liam's obsession for Disney Movies and toys, the door of the hotel room that Harry and Louis shared flung open.

In stumbled an exhausted Liam, followed by a very sick-looking Louis. They couldn't even make it to the couch. Both of them collapsed onto the floor of the hotel suite, Louis on top of Liam. Sitting up from his position, Niall stretched and then walked over to the pile of boy that was only 20 feet away from him.

"'Ello Li. 'Ello Lou," Niall said, bending over to communicate better.

"Hi Niaerrr!" Liam's muffled voice called from the carpet, while Louis, who is on top of him, responded with "FUN. SO MUCH. FUN."

Niall chuckled. "Where is Zayn an' Harry?"

"They said they'll be here in a minu--"

Liam was cut off by Harry and Zayn bursting through the half-closed door and bolting it closed. Both of them rested their backs on the door and slid down it, panting.

'Crazy Fangirls?'

Screams came from the other side of the door, confirming Niall's convictions. Niall loved the fans, but sometimes he wished that they were on some type of sedation drug or some kind of tranquilizer to save his ears and his head, and prevent them from both exploding one day. Feeling a migraine coming on, the Irish boy went over to his suitcase and got out his headphones. He scrolled down the song playlist and selected one of his favorite songs.

Into Your Arms (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora