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Jungkook pov

I started research on voices in people heads.different types of mental illnesses pop up.i can ask the doctor next week during cj second appointment.i looked at cj who sitting on my lap.Taehyung was playing peek a boo with her.

"Time to start stretching."said jimin.i nodded.taehyung stood up and followed jimin to the center of the dance floor.i picked cj up and stood up.i walked out the dance studio.

"You are going to hang out with my manger seijin while practice.okay?"she pouted.

"It's only for like 3 hours."hopefully!she look hesitant but nodded.i walked to seijin office.

"Hey seijin Hyung."seijin looked up from his computer.

"So that's the famous cj?"asked seijin.i nodded.i placed her on the chair.

"I will be in the dance studio if you need me.you probably won't because she is good kid."seijin nodded.cj stared at seijin.

"I will be back cj."she nodded.i left and went to the dance studio.we started stretching as a group.

Jacqueline pov

Jungkook left.i stared at seijin.he grabbed a pen and paper.

"You want to draw a picture for jungkook?"he asked.i won't show him but okay.i nodded.i started drawing a bunny.

'This is boring!lets go walk around!'
'Kookie wanted me to stay with sejin!'
'He didn't that exactly.so let's leave!'

I looked at sejin who was typing on the computer.

'Just leave!'

I quietly climbed down the chair.i quietly walked to the door.i turned around sejin was still typing on the computer.i quietly open the door and left his office.i walked down the hallway.there was a a lot doors.i walked to the elevator.i wonder what's at the top?i pressed the top floor button.the elevator arrived at the seven floor.i walked out the elevator.i saw a lady calling on the phone while looking at papers.i walked past the lady at the desk.i saw a office that was open.i walked in.there was chubby guy with glasses sitting at a desk.he was writing something on paper.i saw a rainbow slinky on the desk.pretty!i walked to the guy.i tapped his arm.he looked at me.i pointed at the slinky on the desk.he looked confused

"You want the slinky?"he asked.i nodded.

"First you have to tell me who is your parents."he said.he smile.i nodded.i pointed to the paper.he gave me the paper.i grabbed the pen from the desk.i place the paper on the floor.how do you spell jungkook?i wrote 'cookie'.the guy looked confused.i sighed.i pointed to the door.i walked to the door.he followed behind me.we walked to the elevator.i press 3 button.we arrived at the third floor.i went to the dance studio.i walked in.the members looked at us confused.i pointed to jungkook.

"Do you guys know her?"asked the guy.the members looked at jungkook

"Yeah.thats my daughter."said jungkook.he walked to us.

"She apparently got lost and ended up in my office."said the guy.

"Sorry.i will keep a better eye on her."said jungkook.the guy nodded before leaving.

"How did she find pd nim office?"asked namjoon.

"I don't know."sad jungkook.he took my hand.he take me to the wall.

"Sit right here.don't move."he said.i nodded.i sat down.i frown.why I am in trouble i did nothing wrong?

"You not trouble.just stay right there."he said.i nodded.he walked back to the other members.i watched as they practice a dance routine.

'This is boring!lets leave again!'
'No.kookie told me to stay here.
'Don't listen to him!listen to me.lets leave!'
'You will regret this!'


'No!'said the voice
'But i am sleepy!'
'Then go to sleep.'
'I tried to but you gave me nightmare!'
'Then don't go to sleep.you will learn your lesson about not listening to me!'

I sighed.since I can't sleep.maybe I wish see if kookie is up!i got out of bed.i left my room and went to his room.i heard him talking from the outside of the door.he probably on the phone.i slowly open the door.i peek in.jungkook was sitting at the desk with his laptop.he saw me and look confused at me.

"I thought you was sleep?"he said.i shook my head.i walked to the desk.i stood on my tip of my toes to look at the laptop.my chin barely sat on the desk.jungkook chuckled.he pick me up and place me his lap.the laptop was acting like a mirror.what is this?

"Cj this is a vlive."he said.whats that?i tilt my head in confusion.

"It's FaceTime but you can't see the other person."he said.i nodded.i rubbed my eyes sleepy.

"Cj you go back to bed."he said.i pointed at his bed.

"I meant your bed."are you coming with me?i raised an eyebrow.

"No i am not going with you."Why?i pouted.

"I am not tired."i climbed down off his lap.i went to his bed.i climbed up onto the bed.i sat and fold my arms.he chuckled.he looked at the laptop.

"I guess it's bed for me to go to bed.night Army."he said.he pressed a few buttons then close the laptop.he hop in bed.i laid next to him.he rubbed my back in a circle until I fell asleep

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