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Jacqueline pov

I walk to jungkook room.he wasn't there.i went to the living room.he was doing push-ups.i noticed he had earbuds in his ears.

'Doesn't him remind you of someone?'
'Like me help jog your memory.'


He punched the punching bag until it broke off the chains.the bag hit the floor.

"Get your ass over here!you are new punching bag!"he yelled.i walked to him.he started punching my body.

~end of flashback

'Why you show me that!?'
'To jog your memory dummy'said the voice.

I noticed he was doing a plank.i walked to him.he looked up at me.he had sweat on his forehead.

"Good morning cj."he said.he smiled.i saw a towel on the couch.i grabbed the towel.i gave it to him.he chuckled.he accepted it.he wiped his sweat.he stood up and went to the kitchen.he grabbed a water bottle.he drank all water out the bottle.

"Since I am in the kitchen.you hungry?"he asked.yes!

'Say no!He might poison you!'

I shook my head.jungkook looked like he didn't believe me.he open the fridge.he grabbed a apple and gave it to me.

"You can have a snack then."he said.i looked at the cold apple in my hand.this looks so good!

"I will be in the shower if you need me."he said.he left the kitchen.i was about bite into the apple.

'You dont know if he drip that in bleach or not!'
'But i am hungry!'

My stomach growled.i looked at the apple.its only a apple.i took a bite of the apple.this is so good!i ate the whole apple.i threw the core in the trash.i went to jungkook room.i sat on the bed and waited for jungkook to finish his shower.he walked out the bathroom.he was rubbing his hair with a towel.

"Cj you don't have to wait for me."he said.he sat on the bed.he grabbed his phone.he started scrolling through it.i stared at him.this is boring!

'I know what will entertain you!'
'No thank you!'

Jungkook noticed me staring.he raised an eyebrow.

"You know you don't talk much."he said.sorry!i looked down at my lap.

"It's not a bad thing!"he said.i looked at him.really?

"Cuz you are good listener."he said.i smiled little.

'No you are not!you never listen me!'

"You so adorable."he said.

'He is lying!you are ugly!'

I frowned.I climbed down off the bed.

"Wait!don't leave!"he said.i tilt my head in confusion.why not?

"Um...you want play a game?"he asked.i nodded.he clapped his hands excitedly.he walked to his closet.i followes behind him.it was walking closet.i tripped over a shoe.

"You okay?"he asked.i nodded.i stood up.he grabbed a box of cards off the shelf.we went back to his room.we played uno when jungkook rang.he answered it.

"Hello?........Yes Hyung......i will......Yes hyung......Cuz I trying to spend time with my daughter......you will meet her later.....bye Hyung."he said.he hanged up.we continued our game.


Jungkook place a bowl of noodles in front of me.

'He could had put worms in it!'

I shook my head.

"But you barely ate anything today.you should be hungry."he said.i push the plate away.my stomach growled.he looked at me confused.

"Maybe you don't like noodles."he mumbled.no.you might try to poison me!wait!i will just make him eat it first !so that way I know if he poison it!

'Dumb he not that stupid!'
'I have to try!'

I pick up the fork off the table.i grabbed a some noddles.i offer him some.he raised an eyebrow.

"Is too hot?"he asked.i shook my head.i offer it again.

"You want me to taste it?"he asked.i nodded.he let me feed him the fork of noddles.

"It's good.you should try the meat with it."he said.i looked at him.well he is not throwing up.so i guess there no worms in this!then i started eating.he tilt his head in confusion.

"Okay.i am not gonna question it."he said.

Adopted by jungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora