➵ 5.0 (II)

281 19 16

June, 2021 {the promises}

Michael and Jade tied the knot eight years after they started dating. The proposal was very anticlimactic on both of their parts. Jade had been watching reruns of Drake and Josh when Michael came into the room and just causally sat next to her without saying anything. Jade hadn't bothered to ask him anything and Michael had just sat there for a while.

"Hey, Jade?" he'd said at one point.

"What?" Jade hadn't even looked at him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"No. I'm watching something."

"Angel, please. It's important." He had gotten off the couch and crouched in front of her so that the TV was blocked from her line of sight.

"Michael, don't be a dick," Jade had said, having no idea what he was poorly attempting to do.

"Just listen to me," he'd said and by this time he had already opened the little velvet box that held the ring.

"Will you st - holy shit." Jade's irritated complain had dissolved into disbelief, her eyes wide. She had started at Michael with her mouth hanging open, the TV show forgotten. Michael had smiled a little and tipped her chin up to close her mouth.

"I'm trying to propose and you're making it so difficult," he'd said with a pout.

And the while Jade had been muttering something like "holy shit," or "oh my God."

"Eight years ago you did me a favor and became my girlfriend. Wanna do me another favor and become my wife?" were Michael's exact words.

For a second, Jade had considered saying no, just to see his reaction, but couldn't go through with it. Her boyfriend of eight years was sitting in front of her asking to spend his entire life with her. In the end, all she'd been able to do was give him a big smile and say, "If you'd asked anyone else I would've killed you."

And then Michael's face had lit up with the brightest smile Jade had ever seen before he took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger, where it would stay for quite some time now.

And that was how Jade found herself in a gorgeous white dress on a hot summer day. The bodice and the sleeves were all lace, cut out in intricate patterns over transparent netting, and the rest of the gown was made out of the softest velvety silky material. It was a ridiculously expensive dress and Jade had objected to the cost a little, but Michael had insisted that she get whichever dress she liked, regardless of the price. So here she was, dolled up in a stunning Zuhair Murad miracle.

Ashton walked her down the aisle while I Want To Know What Love Is played softly in the background. Her dad should've been next to her today, her arm hooked with his. Her mom should've been on her side, their hands clasped together as they walked down the aisle together. But it was Ashton who had his arm linked with Jade's and she was grateful for her friend.

When they reached Michael, his eyes were shining with happiness and tears. Luke and Calum were there as well, both of them dressed as Michael's groomsmen. Lacey's little sister, Riley, looked adorable as the flower girl and Lacey was Jade's maid of honor, who took the bouquet from Jade. Their vows took only a few minutes to be exchanged while Mariah Carey sang in the background.

With Jade's hand clasped in his, Michael said, "I remember the day you waltzed into my life and made a mess of everything. A mess that I learned to love so damn fast. You've stuck by me through thick and thin, Angel, and I intend to return the favor. I promise to take care of you, cherish you, and love you in a way no other man ever could. I want to spoil you - every kiss, every touch, every thought, they're all yours you. I'm yours. I'll make you happy. Every day, I'll make you happy."

Dare || m.c.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon