➵ 0.5 - michael

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Who the hell was Jade? How did she come off as this cocky, confident, badass girl when she was so small? How did she manage to make Michael so nervous with one glare? Why did he feel so vulnerable under her gaze?

"Fuck you," she said and then easily went through one of the holes to the other side of the web, leaving Michael dumbfounded. He hadn't thought she would be able to do it with such ease.

"My turn," Bryn squealed. She set down the paper and laid down on the floor, ready to be picked up.

Luke grabbed her legs firmly and Michael held on to her shoulders. "Stay still, babe," Luke said and Michael felt Bryn stiffen. The two boys prepared to get her across when Jade stopped them.

"Are you stupid? You can't send her head first. How's she going to stand?" She sounded a little panicked.

"You're supposed to help her," Michael quirked an eyebrow. "It's called team work."

Jade shook her head and Michael thought he saw panic flash in her eyes.

"She can't exactly land on her head, can she?" Jade argued. She ran a hand through her hair and Michael could tell she was frustrated.

"She won't land on her head. You'll hold on to her and help her stand upright," Luke said.

"No!" This time Michael was sure she was panicking, though he didn't know why. "I'll drop her and end up hurting her. Just send her legs first."

Michael looked at Luke and motioned for him to put Bryn down, which he did. Michael stood next to the web, urging Jade to come forward as he held her gaze.

"You're not going to drop her," Michael said slowly, making sure she understood what he was saying. "Just don't let go and you'll be fine. I trust you."

"Well, I don't trust myself, okay?" Jade snapped and Michael flinched. That was unexpected. "Just do it legs first goddamnit!"

"Michael," Bryn said softly. "It's not a big deal. Just do it like she says."

Michael glanced between the two girls and sighed. He looked at Luke and they picked Bryn up again, slowing pushing her legs through one of the bigger holes at the top of the web. Michael watched as Jade carefully grabbed a hold of Bryn's ankles, pulling her down without letting her touch any of the ropes.

"See? I knew you could do it," Bryn said encouragingly as she stood next to Jade, nudging her shoulder.

"Yeah," Jade mumbled, looking somewhat sheepish.

Luke clapped Michael on the back. "Watch and learn, Mike."

Michael gave a cocky smile. "Right. Amaze me."

Luke grinned back and then dropped down on all fours, before laying flat on the floor and crawling through a hole that Michael thought was too small for him. But somehow Luke did it and smirked at Michael, throwing his arm around Bryn, holding up a hand for Jade in a high five. Jade didn't move. It made Michael feel a little better.

"Move," Jade said, snapping a finger. "You haven't got all day."

Michael shook his head and got in the same position as Luke, trying to figure out the best hole to use. He decided on one smack in the middle and tried to wiggle his way through.

"Stop!" That was Jade, making Michael let out a girly squeal and fall on his stomach. Luke and Bryn laughed.

He looked up and found her biting back an evil smile. "You touched one of the ropes."

For a split second, all Michael could do was stare at her. She was just so fucking pretty. And there wasn't shit he could do about it because she would never let him touch her.

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