➵ 4.8 - michael

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Exams were a blur. Graduation came and went. They were free now. It was a terrifying concept to think about - they were actual adults now, out of high school and into the real world. But despite this huge development, Michael was still drinking a juice box and Luke was still whining about his socks being wet, courtesy of Calum. It was Luke's fault, though; who the fuck wears socks with flip flops?

"You're being ridiculous," Calum sighed for the millionth time.

Luke was being a little shit, again. The three of them were at KFC, where they were supposed to meet Ashton and Jade. Jade had gone to see Sheila again, or maybe to see Lacey, she hadn't said which.

"I'm not being ridiculous," Luke rolled his eyes. "Bryn got me these for Valentine's Day."

"Oh, no! How ever will she forgive you now?" Calum mocked him and Michael just listened. He wanted no part of the hatred being thrown both ways.

"I don't need your attitude right now, Calum," Luke glared. Michael couldn't believe they were best friends.

"Neither do I!" Calum snapped.

They were all quiet for a minute. Michael drinking his juice box, Calum eating his fries, and Luke brooding like the manchild he was.

"Luke, right?" someone said. They all looked towards the source of the voice and found two girls standing by their table. They looked exactly alike, apart from the color of their shirts. One was wearing red; the other was wearing black.

"Yeah," Luke said slowly. "I'm Luke."

"Hi, oh my God," Red Shirt exclaimed. "Can we get a picture with you?"

They all looked at each other. Calum and Luke looked just as dumbfounded as Michael felt. Who were these girls and why did they want a picture with them?

"Uh, sure," Luke said and stood up from their table and so did Calum. Michael was a bit slower, not comprehending why these girls were asking for a photo.

"I'm Diana," Red Shirt said with a smile and pointed at her twin. "This is Rosemary."

"Hey," Michael smiled back.

"We love your songs so much," Diana said. "We've been watching your videos since Luke put up the first, you guys are so amazing."

Michael actually blushed. This was the first time someone had said this, aside from their families. To hear someone say that they loved their music put this bizarre, fuzzy feeling in his chest. To Michael, it almost felt like pride.

The three of them took pictures with Diana and Rosemary, who continued to list all of their videos and how they'd managed to make a fool of themselves in all of them. Michael knew he would forever remember this day. The first time meeting two of their fans.

"Do you guys want to hang around and wait for Ashton?" Calum asked.

The girls looked at each other. Then Rosemary said, "Sure."

"Can we get you something to eat?" Luke asked. "How about some fries?"

Again, the twins looked at each other. "We actually just came to see you guys," Diana said. "We saw you go in, so we waited a little bit before coming in. We didn't want to be creeps."

"You're not creeps," Luke laughed. "Let's get something to drink." And just like that, his sour mood was forgotten. Michael and Calum stayed at their table, watching Luke with Diana and Rosemary. This was ridiculous. These girls were fans of them. Who in their right mind would watch them? It's was crazy. Jade would laugh at them. She always said Ashton was great, but that the rest of them were decent. Michael knew she didn't mean it, but still. They weren't good enough for people to like them.

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