Chapter 17

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The sun rose on the last possible day to go back to 2018. Shayne and Damien talked to everyone about going back, and luckily, they were on board. They were in the future for over a month, and it definitely got to their heads. They all decided to not be so serious anymore and go back to their positive, upbeat YouTube videos again. They weren't sure how they'd be able to cope with going back in time, but Lady Amraterasu showed up to help. They all got their old clothes and cell phones again and put them on. She brought them back on a cloud, right back to the second when they left, right in front of the office building. Being God, she decided to wipe the memories and emotions they all had of the future, except for Damien and Shayne. She wiped only Damien's memory, and wiped nothing from Shayne's mind. Everyone except for Shayne was frozen in place, because Lady Amraterasu wanted to talk to him privately.

"What'd you do that for," he asked her.

"To give you incentive to leave. In order to keep some of the timeline intact, you must leave your friends," she explained to him. Shayne shifted his weight between his legs, clearing his throat.

"I'm already leaving. I know what to do," Shayne stated, thinking of the time before they left. Lucifer got in Shayne's head, telling him everything was ready, and Shayne said he'd come right back.

"You need to take me back," he told her. This came as a shock to Lady Amraterasu.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I promised Lucifer I'd be his host."

"That wasn't part of my plan." Shayne tilted his head.

"Your plan," he questioned.

"The reason I brought you and your friends to the future in the first place was to change the timeline so the human race wouldn't be extinct in 3018. By being Lucifer's host, you're going to implicate the future even more, in ways that I cannot see yet."

"You need to take me back, I can't break this deal." Lady Amraterasu sighed.

"I'm aware. I've made deals with him and his devils before."

"You have?"

"I don't like to admit it, but we did help each other with the elixir."

"But I thought you weren't God then."

"I wasn't, but I still have a vague idea of everything that happened before I became God. I highly suggest you stay out of this, Shayne. You don't know what you're signing up for, making that sort of deal."

"I'll take my chances." Lady Amraterasu sighed, nodding to Shayne. As she was going to unfreeze his friends, she remembered something.

"Something's not right," she muttered. Conjuring her powers, she brought a familiar face to join the group. Shayne looked between Courtney- who was also frozen- and Lady Amraterasu.

"Courtney? You brought her back," Shayne asked.

"She was never dead. At least, this version of her. The one Damien killed in 3008 is still dead within a certain timeline," Lady Amraterasu explained.

"Two separate Courtney's in the same body. That actually makes a lot of sense," Shayne said aloud. Lady Amraterasu tilted her head at him.

"Are you positive you want to go back," she asked again. Shayne sighed through his nose, nodding. He looked at his friends, then to Damien. He sighed and took out his phone to text Damien a sort of goodbye. It read "I need to go away for a while. Don't worry, I'll be back soon". Lady Amraterasu made sure the text went through to Damien's phone before taking him back to 3008. When they left, the Smoshers were unfrozen, and cars and pedestrians started appearing again.

"Courtney! Are you okay, you just left the set," Joven asked her.

"Yeah, I just... I don't know what came over me. I think I need some water," she said, feeling a wave of confusion.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. We were really worried for you," Damien stated to her, feeling the vibration of his phone in his pocket. He took it out and read the text from Shayne.

"What's that," Noah asked Damien.

"Nothing," Damien spoke back, trying to smile. He didn't know how to process his best friend's words, but if Shayne says he'll be back soon, Damien will believe he'll come back shortly. Everyone went back up the elevators to their offices, and found Sohinki and Matt Raub watching Dodgeball.

"What are you guys doing," Boze asked the two of them.

"We just started Dodgeball. Wanna join, we have popcorn," Matt said, holding out the popcorn bowl. Boze quickly took it and sat down as Sohinki was standing up.

"Lasercorn, hey. Before we got interrupted, I had something to tell you," he told Lasercorn. Lasercorn then suddenly remembered that Sohinki had news, and felt like it had been a month since he was supposed to have this talk.

"My mom got sick. I need to go back home for a few days," Sohinki explained.

"Oh, Matt, I'm so sorry. I hope she feels better."

"Thanks. I got to go catch my flight now."

"Oh already? Well, okay. Tell her I said hi?"

"Yeah, sure thing." Sohinki grabbed his suitcase and walked over to the elevator, worried about his mother.

When Lady Amraterasu brought Shayne back to the EarthClan, mostly everything remained the same, except Joseph, Courtney, and Tim were alive again. Shayne walked into the healer's tent to meet with Xorgorath, as Lucifer told him.

"Are you ready," Xorgorath asked Shayne, holding the elixir in one hand and a poisoned blade in the other. Shayne sighed and nodded. He took the elixir from Xorgorath and downed it like it was a shot of alcohol. Despite many stories of Shayne's reaction sounding positive, he didn't display a positive outworldly reaction. The tent began to shake and Shayne started screaming.

"What's wrong with him," Lady Amraterasu asked Xorgorath. Xorgorath only shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong. He's just having his first reaction to the elixir," Xorgorath explained.

"That's not what's supposed to happen."

"And what is supposed to happen?"

"A good embrace," Lady Amraterasu muttered, shaking her head. She watched in disbelief, completely speechless. Finally, the antics died down and it was silent again.

"Are you alright," Lady Amraterasu asked Shayne. He squinted his eyes at her.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be," he asked her, turning to Xorgorath, who cleared his throat.

"No reason. Ready for step two," Xorgorath asked, holding the knife above Shayne's left arm, holding onto it. Shayne only nodded, urging on Xorgorath to do it, so he dragged the blade down Shayne's forearm. Shayne only felt pain for a while, before the black veins completely traveled over his body. He could feel himself leaving his body, and collapsed on the floor. Xorgorath threw the blade across the tent and knelt down next to Shayne, holding him.

"Shayne? Are you still there," Xorgorath asked him.

"Where will I go? You know, my soul," Shayne asked as his last words. Xorgorath could only shake his head.

"Somewhere," Xorgorath spoke back to Shayne, and with that, Shayne seemed to die, but as the black veins fully encompassed his body much quicker than last time, Lucifer planted himself in that body. Shayne's body began to heat up, much to Xorgorath's and Lady Amraterasu's surprise. Eventually, Xorgorath had to drop Shayne because he got so hot. You could see his skin start to look like burning coals between the blackness of the veins. He opened his eyes, and revealed his pupils to be red. 

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