Chapter 12

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The next morning, guards opened their cell door early again, telling Cody it was time to go.

"Sentence up," Damien asked. Cody nodded.

"Yeah. I'll uh, I'll miss you," Cody stated.

"Yeah. See you around, I guess." Damien hugged him one last time before Cody left the cell. Just like when Andy left, Prophet and his minions made their way into Damien's cell.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? Hey," Cody exclaimed, trying to turn around and go back to Damien, but the guards pushed him to the exit.

"Prophet, please. Leave me alone," Damien mentioned, feeling utterly defeated seeing them again.

"Who said he was going to do anything this time," Blade said, punching Damien. Damien fell to the ground and looked up to him.

"Anthony," Damien questioned, not moving. "Why?"

"Blade, not Anthony," Blade jestered. "It's time the minions have some fun."

"We're known to get the job done," Torment spoke, smiling and standing next to Blade. Damien shook his head.

"You're delusional," Damien spoke to them.

"Your friends are gone," Torment said back. "There's no one here that will help you anymore." Prophet grabbed Damien and held his arms.

"We have somewhere to go," Prophet told him as he dragged Damien out of the cell.

"Where would that be," Damien asked, expecting no answer.

"The makeshift infirmary in the basement," Prophet mentioned, pushing Damien down the stairs.

"Wait, makeshift," Damien questioned, trying to escape. Prophet grabbed Damien and tightened his grasp, forcefully pulling him into the basement. Blade and Torment held Damien down as Prophet tightened the leather cuffs around Damien's wrists and ankles.

"Come on, please, stop. I have nothing to give you," Damien begged.

"We know," Torment spoke. "We just like to have some fun."

"This is for our amusement," Blade stated, picking up a knife. Damien began to audibly breathe out heavily, looking up at Prophet, Blade, and Torment.

"You guys really have been through a lot of pain, haven't you," Damien thought aloud. "Spencer, the EarthClan villainized you, probably all of you. They did that to me too, you know. They call me evil like they call you evil." There was a silence between the four of them. Blade sighed, setting the knife back down.

"There's a difference," Blade mentioned.

"What would that be? How we react to the elixir," Damien questioned.

"I mean, probably, but what does the elixir see that we don't," Torment wondered.

"I don't have an answer for that, but whoever created the elixir probably does," Damien said.

"Virginia. They made the elixir. They have electricity while we don't. Virginia did something, something that got rid of electricity and gave you powers," Prophet added.

"They have the answers," Blade added.

"That's all the way across Eiress," Torment thought aloud.

"Wait, are you guys planning to break out right now," Damien asked them.

"Yeah, why? You want in," Blade asked back.

"Uh, not really," Damien admitted.

"Damn, if we leave before you get out, Joseph would get suspicious and interrogate you. And by interrogate I mean torture. He's ruthless, and will get you to talk no matter what. If we're doing it, we're doing it after you leave," Prophet explained to Damien. Damien furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hold on. You three have life sentences, don't you," Damien wondered. Torment and Blade breathed in, looking to Prophet.

"We do," Prophet sighed.

"I'm sorry. Really, I am," Damien told them.

"Thanks, but that doesn't change what the EarthClan thinks of us," Blade stated.

"We're monsters to them," Torment added.

"I get it. I understand, but I think there's something you don't know. King Timothy doesn't have any direct ruling, he's just an overseer. The person that does have power is Joseph. I saw it with my own eyes, he manipulated Olivia. She said the EarthClan helped her see and understand order. She hurt me for the gain of the clan. She's helping Joseph, most likely so he can be king," Damien told them. The three of them stayed silent for a moment.

"Olivia's on his side," Blade asked. "Are you sure?"

"I don't like to believe it either, Anthony, but she said she used me. It's not like her at all. I mean, it has been 1000 years, but I don't believe she's really helping him. I want to think she still has some good in her," Damien added.

"Olivia," Prophet said. "I haven't seen her in a long time."

"How long has it been," Damien asked.

"Too long," Prophet responded. Sighing, Prophet let the restraints around Damien's wrists and ankles go.

"What are you doing," Torment asked Prophet.

"The right thing," Prophet replied. Damien sat up, rubbing his wrist.

"I'm sorry," Prophet continued. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I made them hurt you. What you say is true, Joseph is commanding. It makes sense now. Joseph told Timothy to demote me because the clan wouldn't be big enough for the both of us. Joseph volunteered Courtney to be the team leader because, while strong, she can be easily manipulated. I would've done the same had I thought of it first." Damien got off the table and stood up.

"Are you going to ask him about it," Damien questioned.

"Eventually," Prophet responded. "I'm sorry for bringing you down here, and hurting you all those times."

"You can stop apologizing, Spencer. I completely understand," Damien mentioned, hugging Prophet. Torment and Blade took in a sharp breath in reaction. Surprisingly, Prophet hugged Damien back.

"Thank you," Prophet told Damien. They all went back upstairs as Blade slipped a razor blade into Damien's hand.

That night when Damien got back in his cell, he felt all alone. He pulled out the razor Blade gave him and held it. He looked to the bed where he used to sleep. Sighing, he looked at the bed that was his other option the first night he slept; the one above Cody's. Deciding to switch it up, he laid down on that bed for the night. He looked at the razor blade again and decided to put it down when he accidentally cut himself. He looked at the dripping blood, then back to the razor, then to his arm. Out of curiosity, he dragged the razor along his left arm in a diagonal fashion, pushing down. He took in a sharp breath through his teeth.

"Bad idea," he muttered, dropping the razor on the bed below him. Luckily, the razor landed on the cloth blanket, so it didn't make much noise. Damien sighed, looking up to the ceiling. He thought about something he never thought about before: revenge. Revenge on Joseph for manipulating the EarthClan, especially Olivia. He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it coursing through him again. There were purple lightning bolts in his eyes, indicating his powers were back. 

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