41. Talk with the Scott's

Start from the beginning

"Oh my. Well then you must stay and eat something." Delilah grabs my hands eagerly.

"I was just going to pack up and grab something quick to eat from room service..." I trail off.

"Room service?" Her brows go up. "Trust me hon. I've had so many room service meals in my life that I can't even count on all the fingers and toes in this house. Room service is fine if you're gonna be in your room. We eat healthy here, don't worry about that. I'll just rustle up something real quick, and then you should probably go work in our gym."

"Good idea." Andrew smiles at his wife. "From what I've heard about Alondra, she'd kill you if she knew you were here, and not working out."

"Well." I bite my lip. "Yeah, okay. Thank you guys so much."

"Oh no problem at all. You're among family here." Delilah smiles at me, before dragging her son into the kitchen to help.

We stand in silence for a few seconds as I mull this over. You're among family.

"You wanna go for a walk outside?" Andrew says, turning to me and breaking the silence.

"Yeah, sure."

He leads the way, with me quietly following behind. Once we get to the garden at the back of the house he sits on the bench and gestures for me to do so too.

"So, Kasey. How are you through all of this?"

I let out a big breath of air. "Honestly? So confused."

"DO you want to talk about it?"

"Well, I mean...as we kinda talked about last night at dinner, this week has been super stressful. I didn't know the truth until recently."

"That must have been hard." He says sympathetically.

"I mean, I was shocked. I knew that she was horrible, but like not to the evil witch extent." I exclaim.

Andrew starts to laugh. "Evil witch?"

"Andrew. She killed 3 babies and gave one up for adoption because she never thought any of them would do."

He looks guilty. "Admittedly, I gave the same baby up."

"Yeah, maybe...but you went out and found her!" I laugh. "You know how rare that is?"

"I'd say it's rarer that you fall in love with her adoptive mother, but you know..."

"Dylan is yours, right?"

"Yeah. Delilah got pregnant a few weeks after I asked 'the question'. It was a bit of an adjustment for Katie, but she got used to having two parents suddenly living with her, and a baby on the way. I know it was hard on her, but she took to me right away."

"You really love kids, hey?"

"Yeah. I really wish I could have met my other baby boys. You aren't a parent yet, so you wouldn't know, but when you find that someone..." He lets out a breath. "You just know that's the one you wanna start a life with."

Instantly, Jake comes to mind. Everything feels different when I'm around him. Like even if I'm falling apart, he's the one to hold me back together, and glue all my broken pieces together again. I swat that thought out of my head, wanting to cry again.

"Was Mother ever that one for you?"

"Yes, at one point. We were crazy young kids in love, we didn't care about her status, and my lack of it. Then I got into modelling, and it seemed as though she had changed. She no longer was the woman I fell crazy in love with. She would call me at all hours to make sure I wasn't with another woman, and she would do something crazy in public if she felt that she wasn't getting enough attention from me, so that I would call her right away. We both had our groups of fans, but they rarely intermingled, so she always felt left out."

"Yeah. That's not fun."

"She would always do things to get back into the spotlight, so when everyone around us started having kids, she decided she wanted one. I never noticed the difference in her." He has a broken look on his face, and when his eyes meet mine, I want to wrap him in a hug. "For eight fucking months she was pregnant with MY child, and I didn't even notice the fucking bump! I know I should have given her more attention, but we were both young and in our careers by the time she gave up Katie."

"It's not your fault. She would've done it whether you liked it or not." I point out.

"Good point."

"But it's been hard, you know?"

"Living with her?"

"Yeah. Like, I never even really knew you! My whole life was a lie. I thought you didn't want me."

"That's not true."

"Well, I know that now, but until recently I haven't heard from you. Do you have any idea how terrible it is?" I stand up. "Andrew I grew up without a dad because my mother had always told me you wanted nothing to do with us. That I meant nothing to you!" I feel tears leaking out of my eyes.

"I hope you never believed that. You mean everything to me, Kasey. I love you so much." Andrew says. "Not a day goes by without me thinking about you. How you were doing, what you were up to..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why randomly calling me now? I haven't heard from you in forever!" I cry, crushing myself into his embrace.

"I've always wanted to tell you. I was scared Kasey. Who knows what your mom said about me? I thought you hated me for leaving."

"I understand that now. Just, everything in my life is going downhill for me. How am I supposed to take these news well?" I sigh in frustration. "I'm not going back to my Mothers'...I just bought a new house, but I don't really wanna go there...I no longer have the boyfriend in the picture..." I drift off.

"I'm so sorry that all of this has happened to you. I understand how unfair this all is. Just eat dinner here tonight, please. As for the place to sleep, you can stay with me as long as you like, sweetheart." He kisses me on the forehead, and, slinging an arm around my shoulders, guides me back into the house.

"After NYCB if I still don't know what to do, I'll come back."

"Sounds good. No pressure though. You know we love you, and our arms are always open."

"Thank you. Through all of this, you've both been so kind." I smile at him.

"Yeah, from what I heard, Delilah was a bit suspicious of you at first, but it is all okay now. It's just that we're used to crazy fangirls running up our doorstep into our house."

"That must be rough." I cringe as we walk into the dining room.

"Oh it is. You know, I'm like 45 years old! I would think they'd give up and move onto the newest young model, but who knows?"

I laugh. "Trust me, I know what it's like to have paparazzi. It's a bitch when you try to do just about anything without people noticing."

"I noticed you dye your hair when you two are out, and during dances."

"Yeah. Mother always wanted to keep the obvious similarity to you hidden." I say guiltily.

"That evil witch." He smirks.

We both lose it laughing as we sit down at the table.

So this is what family is like. Huh. I kinda like it.



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