I think this place is one of my favorite little cafe restaurants. All the food was perfect. I ordered the lasagna and it was so good. Even how the food was served was fun. More family style with extra big portions. We actually did eat a bit of everything, but the lasagna was the best in my opinion. The gooey cheese with the thin slices of eggplant, squash, and tomatoes mixed in with the spicy sausage and fresh pasta. It was perfect and full of flavor.

We placed our order for desserts and I rose as the waiter left. “I’m going to use the restroom right quick.” I excused myself from the table.

“I’ll go with you.” Danielle said getting up too.

I smiled at her as we walked to the bathroom. When we got there, unfortunately we had to wait. There was a bit of a line for the ladies room. We didn’t mind. Danielle and I were just happy talking about the guys.

Before I knew it, we were both in and back out of the stalls. We giggled at each other as we washed our hands. It was good having a girlfriend to talk to. She was also giving me fashion tips in the stores with the guys cheering on.

We were walking back to the table when I heard my name shout out. I turned confused because I didn’t recognize the voice. A guy’s voice.

Both Danielle and I stopped and saw Zander, the fire wielder that lost to Marek jogging over to us, well me. Danielle and I were standing by the fence on the patio as our group was in the far corner.

He smiled as he stopped on the other side of the fence. “You’re Hope right? Hope Lund?”

I nodded confused. “I am.”

He held out his hand. “Hi I’m Zander Forgion.”

“Hi.” I took his hand and shook it.

“I just wanted to introduce myself to you.”

“Okay. I should get back to lunch with everyone.”

“Wait.” He said as I started to turn away. He smiled lightly when I turned back to him. “I was wondering if I could talk with you sometime. See how you’re doing at the school.”

I bit my lip not having an all too good feeling about him. “Maybe. I’ll have to see. I’m still getting used to the school and having friends.”

He frowned. “You never had friends before?”

“Well I did, but not like this. Not so easily.”

He smiled as he leaned on the fence. “I’ll be your friend too if you want.”

I giggled. “Are you saying that just because I’m a Lund?”

He shook his head. “Nah. Because I think you’re cute.” I blushed a little. “I’ll see you at school.” He winked at me smugly before jogging back off.

I went back to the table to see Marek frowning. “What did he want?” He asked curiously but I felt like he was a little upset that I talked to Zander.

“He just wanted to introduce himself to me.”

“And he wants her as his friend.” Danielle filled in with a little of a bite to her words. She didn’t like Zander I take it.

Marek took my hand. “Just be weary of Zander. He’s not the most trustful of people at school. He’s a junior and is still determined to be ‘king’ of the battles.”

I smiled and squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll watch my back with him around.” I leaned forward. “I’ll stay away from him if it will make you feel better.”

Starr Academy: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now