Chapter 1 - The Maple Tree Hill

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It all began in the summer of 1930, I was 18 years old. world war 2 was raging. I was on top of the hill that all the locals call Maple Tree Hill,  I was sat on this hill under the maple tree on my picnic blanket and basket. I was unpacking the contents of my lunch onto my blanket when I looked over my shoulder to see a man on a skinny brown horse.he was wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt with the top button undone with a pair of beige trousers, the shirt was neatly tucked in but was slightly dirty. He was also wearing a pair of worn brown leather shoes. I smiled at him and continued to unpack my lunch.

"good morning miss," this stranger said as he jumped off his horse and approached me. 

"Yes it is isn't it" I replied.

"how come a lovely lady like yourself is on top of this lonesome hill all by herself," he asks me.

"This hill is not lonesome as you say, the birds keep me plenty of company"

"and now I shall keep you company, my names Charles and my fathers the milker works on a farm you see" he sits himself down beside me looking at me with a big grin on his face.

"My name is ruth, my father bless him before he passed was an officer in the war, and left me and my mother a big fortune when he passed in the great war,"  I say to him.

"I'm sorry to hear about your father but on the other hand what's for lunch," he says rubbing his hands together. I take out all of the food that is wrapped in newspaper. He continues to open the food and eat it. His hair is a golden curly blonde that sits perfectly unmoved the whole time, his eyes are like freshly dug up crystals. If I do say so, he could almost be attractive to some.

"You do like to stare don't you," he says as he catches me glaring at him. I feel a rush of blood to my cheeks. I look away, but I still can't help glancing at him from time to time.

"I guess its time for me to go, I have some very important business to get to," he says wiping his mouth and setting down his cloth.

"Let me guess it's cow milking time," He looks back at me whilst walking away and turns around jumps onto his horse, I look him in the eyes as he nods his head and gallops off. A sense of disappointment fills me as he leaves. Butterflies flood my stomach at a rush as I let go a sigh of something I've never felt before. I honestly don know what to think at this point. I ve never felt like this before. I pack away all of my rubbish in my basket and I head home, my head lifted high and my confidence souring. 

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