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"Mum, where are grandmums photo albums" called Lilly from Ruth's room.

"I'm not sure darling, check on top of the cupboard" called Sharon from the kitchen. As Lilly looked on top of the Cupboard there was an old box there of old looking letters. She reached up to get them while balancing on her tiptoes on the chair. She grabbed ahold of the box pulling it to the edge of the cupboard. She takes the box down, taking care of every step she takes, she puts it down on the bed. She takes one of the letters out of the box and starts to read it...

"Dear Ruth, I can't stop loving you and I can't wait to see you and my newborn child. It's hard being away from you for so long. How I long our mornings where I wake up next to your beautiful face. I love you Ruth, and I will never stop loving you." A lone tear runs down Lilly's cheek, Sharron walks in. "What's wrong lovely" Lilly passes over the letters and watches her mum's expression change as she reads the words. "Where did you find this?"

"on top of the cupboard," she says.

"They must be about dad," Sharron says. They both run outside to the car and head off to the hospital, the box of letters is inLilly'ss hand. She clutches onto them with her life. As they arrive at the hospital the car park is empty almost. They park up and get out, running towards the hospitals looming doors. They race up to the room where Ruth lays 106 years old and on her last legs. As they run into the room with the box Ruth looks horrified.

"I haven't seen those in over 30 years," she says in sadness.

"We found them in the cupboard, are they about dad?"

"They are from your dad when he was in war"

"Why didn't you tell me about them?"

"Sit down and I'll tell you all that you need and want to know" Lilly and Sharron both take a seat desperate to know what has happened

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