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Edited: March 20, '20

Jacob had been my bestfriend since college. He and Jason were never really fond of each other. As a result of that our friendship was also somewhat affected.

Jacob, like Jason was filthy rich. Jacob and I hadn't exaclty started off on a good note. He basically thought that I was  a stuck up bitch and I thought that he was an asshole and a man whore.

But once we got to know each other we became best friends and then rest as they say is history.

When Jacob told me that he was going to Italy for a new project and wanted me to come with him  for me to start a new life I was shocked. He told me that because of his project he had to stay there for atleast a year if not more and that it would be a great opportunity for me to start over aswell.

After a lot of persuasion from him I finally decided that it was time to actually let go and start a new life.

A new life at a new place with my baby.

*** Ten Months Later***

My beautiful baby girl Sarah is a month old today. A lot has happend in last ten months.

I started working as a fashion designer and have opend my own brand. A brand which had become quite famous in a short span of time.

Jacob and I got married. Yes, I know that it is a shock.

During the nine months of me being pregnant Jacob was there for me throughout. Taking me to the doctors, helping me in buying clothes, setting up the nursery and also helping me with my fashion line.

When he asked me to marry him. I told him that it wouldn't be fair to him that he deserved better.But he told me that he wasn't intrested in getting married anytime soon but his parents wanted him to  and if he was getting to spend the rest of his life with his bestfriend as his wife and a beautiful baby he would do it happily. He also said that he wanted to be in Sarah's and my life.

Things haven't changed between us we're still the same around each other.

Jacob over the course of time has become my rock. The day Sarah was born he was with me. He was the one who cut the umbical cord and when he held her for the first time he had tears in his eyes. He loved Sarah as his own and Sarah too shared his name on her birth certificate.

I haven't really heard from Jason but all I know is that he was often seen with   his assistant. A part of me will always love Jason but the love I felt for my now husaband and bestfriend was greater.

He was the person who gave me stabilty in life. He was the one who provided me with the family that I had always yearned for.

And now my family and life without him would be incomplete.

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