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Jason and I have been married for two years. Our story is what you would call a fairytale.  In which a princess finds her prince charming and they live their happily ever after.

We first met in collage. Jason had always been the rich, famous, devilishly handsome collage kid, who every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with.

Me? I was just a normal girl.
When Jason approached me first, I thought that it was just for some stupid game or a bet.That was the reputation he had, he was a typical player but soon we became good friends and then he asked me to be his girlfriend.

We were young but we were in love. We wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. I think that is what love does to you, it makes you blind.

When Jason and I started dating I always thought that we wouldn't last for very long but surprisingly we did. Not only that but we got married too. Live was good, or so I thought. His family wasn't very happy with the decision neither was mine. We were both very young even though he had his family buisness and was doing well the fact the weren't together for too long or that we were both young was not disregarded by our parents. The wanted us to wait a little longer for him to first take full responsibility of his buisness and for me to get settled on a job too.

I had never had what people called a loving and caring family. But that is something I wanted my kid to have. A loving and caring family. Parents who loved him or her and loved each other. That is what I envisioned our future to be. Jason and I loved each other, we had our differences. We grew up in different environments, we were total opposites of each other but we loved each other. We saw our futures together, we both knew what we wanted and we wanted to be together, raise a family together and grow old together.

But in life we don't always get what we want. Do we?

I had not been someome who wanted to get married at a young age but things change, situations change and most importantly people change. I wanted to be successful and independent in life. But things didn't exactly go that way. Jason and I got married really young and after that I didn't really look for a job immediately, I wanted to settle in take my time and then eventually start working. Jason supported my decision he wanted me to fo things as I wanted, he offered me a job in his company but I wanted to things on my own. But here I am today at twenty two with a report in my hand that says I'm pregnant.

When I first came to know about it I was shocked I didn't know how to feel about it. I wanted to be a mom, I wanted to have  a kid of my own and give that kid a life and a family that I always yearned for and I knew that Jason and I would try our hardest to become the best presents that we could for our child.

This wasn't exactly how I had thought my life would turn out to be but I knew for a fact that I would embrace it.

I couldn't wait to tell Jason about it. Jason and I never really talked about this. We knew we wanted to have kids one day but we didn't know that it would be this soon. I knew that this wasn't something I initially wanted at this point of time in my life but I was happy about it.

I was on my way back home, I was still trying to process everything that had happened  his office happened to be on the same route so I decided to tell him the news right away. I didn't have a lot of people that I was close to and being the father of the baby, I thought that it was only right that he was the first one to know.

I walked into the building to give him a surprise not knowing that I would be the one getting a surprise instead.

I caught my husband cheating on me with his assistant. Before we began dating we were friends for a little time and even during the time that we were dating I had told Jason about my childhood, the way I grew up, the situation I grew up in and how I didn't want my child to go through any of that, how I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure that my child dosen't experience any of the things that I had to as a child. And as I walked out of that building I knew that it was a promise that I would keep.

I felt my world shatter. The one thing that I mever wanted to happen was happening right in front of my eyes.I felt hurt, betrayed, angry, used and foolish but most of all I felt disappointed and I couldn't figure out if I was more disappointed in myself or in him.

As I sat in my car I cried, I cried for the life that I had once imagined myself living, for the life I had envisioned my child to have, and a marriage that no no longer existed.

Some decisionsin life are hard to make but are very important, they at times change the courseof our lives completely and I knew that I too had one such decision to make. Jason had made his decision and it was now time I made mine.

For me, this marriage didn't exist any longer Jason had made sure of it. He knew what he was doing, he knew it was wrong and yet he did it. And as much as it hirt to admit it, I knew it was time to let go.

I went to my room and started packing my bags.I wasn't someone who would run away from problems I'd never been that person and I wasn't that now but for me this wasn't a problem that could be solved, it wasn't a situation we we would sit and talk about it. The fate of this marriage was sealed the very moment when Jason decided to cheat on me.

Sitting in that room packing those bags, I kept on thinking about the life I'd lived till now, all the happy moments, the banter, the fights, the future that we had always talked about. It all felt like a lie, it felt like my whole existence had been nothing but a big fat lie. That the love that I thought he had for me was a lie.

I never wanted my child to be born in a broken family but living with Jason was just not something I could do. I couldn't just be in a marriage because we had a child on the way, it wouldn't be fair to any of us. Jason clearly didn't want to be in this marriage and I wasn't going to force him. Jason and I were still going to this baby's parents nothing would ever change that but the dreams of the home that I wanted my child to have and be raised in would now only be dreams.

I kept on thinking about it, all of it. The moment when I first met Jason, when he asked me to be his girlfriend, the moment he asked me to be his wife, the day we got married and all the time we had spent together till now and somehow it felt like all this was a long time. A very long time back.

I don't know for how long I sat in that room, our room,crying and remembering the past but then I heard the door open and I knew Jason was home, I knew it was time for our last moments together in this house, for our last time together as husband and wife.

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