
She pulled her hand away and jumped as the door opened. A slow creek and a dark hallway appeared.

She didn't know what to do, so she stood there anxiously.

'Are you going to go in?'

She screamed at the voice behind her and turned to see a boy looking at her. He leaned against the other side of the alley that was brick wall and smirked at her.

'Love when they do that' He said, standing up and walking to her side.

'Who the hell are you? And how did you get there!' She replied, gesturing to the wall.

'Now now, don't speak like that. I'm here to help obviously' He countered before walking inside, and down the hallway.

She watched at his retreating back and then down both sides of the alley.

'You coming or what? Don't want to keep her waiting'

She looked back to the boy who was at the end of the hallway and hurried inside, the door slamming shut behind her.

As she caught up to him, she looked at the blank wall.

'Is this a joke?'

'Of course not, watch this'

He rubbed his hands together and then knocked a beat onto the wall, and she snorted as it did nothing.

'Wow impressive' She replied sarcastically, and he turned to her.

'I know right' He said before walking towards the wall, and she felt her breathing stopped as he walked through it.

'H-How-' She started before his hand shot out to her and gestured her forward. Her eyes widened, but she remembered why she was here and slowly worked her way to the wall, before walking through.

Her body turned ice cold as she stepped through, letting out a breathe of cold air as her eyes adjusted.

The room was lit brightly by candles, there was endless shelves of books, and bottles and jars of unknown stuff.

She looked to the boy who was walking to the middle of the room, and that's when she noticed the woman.

Probably much older than she looked, bright hair, and tattoos. The girl knew exactly who she was.

'Our visitor has arrived' The boy said cheekily.

'Thank you XuXi, you may go now' The woman replied and XuXi smiled back to the girl, waved, and walked to a wall on the other side of the room, and she once again watched in amazement and some fear as he walked through it easily.

'Did you bring the money?' The woman asked as she worked on something infront of her.

'Yes' The girl replied and the woman hummed, before turning to the girl.

The woman was beautiful, but her eyes did not hold life in them. They were cold, and dark. It brought the senses of the girl back, and she knew she was dealing with dangerous people.

'Pretty one you are, this should work perfectly. Give me the money'

The girl walked forward and pulled out a bag of money from her purse and handed it to the woman.

'This has got to be quick, I have other business to attend to. The rules are very simple, you drink this and what we have agreed on happening, will happen. There is no refund, and any consequences after you drink this will not be on my behalf. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded and the woman smiled happily as she reached behind her and picked a vile.

'Better if you mix this with something else, get rid of some of the gross taste. Drink it before tomorrow night and it will happen soon; pleasure doing business with you'

The woman smiled and handed her the vile, the girl looking at it with wonder.

'Go out that way' The woman said and pointed where XuXi walked through.

She nodded, mumbled a thank you, and took off to the exit. She reached out and watched as her hand disappeared. She took a deep breathe, and walked through.

She looked to see the main street of Gwanju she had been walking on, she saw the convenient store across the street, and she looked to see the same group of boys from earlier, staring at her, jaws agape.

Her eyes widened and clutching the vile tightly to her, she took off running the opposite way to get out of there, the thoughts of the next events happening bringing a glint to her eyes.


Okay, new chapter!
Please enjoy!

Love you lots, Rhi ❤

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