Chapter Thirteen

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Salam, this is my first chapter after months.

I hope I get the same response as I did previously and I hope you like it!

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It was finally Friday and even though Aman was excited for the weekend she didn't really feel like she had achieved anything at work. Sameer had successfully turned her into his new PA, each time he called her telephone, she'd hope for some work but all she'd get was "Bring me tea" "photocopy these documents" .. she didn't think that was what her father sent her to do. She was tired of playing obedient PA. She decided she was going to end it before it got worse.
Aman got to the office around 8:15am that morning. She was wearing the long black cooperate Skirt Muneera had picked out for her to wear on her first day but she decided to wear a pink Hermès scarf as her tie instead of the black and white and wore Black LV heels to match the look and her scarf was wrapped into a hijab.
She exchanged pleasantries with Sarah who seemed to be lost in a pile of work and headed to her office.

"Even the official PA seems to be busier than me" she thought to herself inwardly.
She opened up her laptop and decided to continue watching her movies on Netflix. That was all she did when her boss didn't need her to make him tea or photocopy his papers. She still didn't know her position in his office.
After about an hour, the telephone rang.

"Miss Mohammed, come to my office" Sameer's voice said from the other end of the line and before she could respond, the call was over.

"When did he even come to the office?" Aman said to herself as she put on her heels. The only time she saw her boss was when he sought for her. She didn't know when he came or left the office.
When Aman got to his office, Sameer was working on something. She stood in front of him waiting to hear what he needed.

"I'd like some black tea miss Mohammed." He said sternly as if already expecting her to know what to do.

"Sir, with all due respect. That is not why you hired me, my job in this company is to work with you and learn from you. Not to make tea and photocopy papers for you all day. I'm tired of being an idle bird." Aman spat out the words before she could hold herself but Sameer didn't even flinch. His eyes were still glued to the papers in front of him. "I'm about to be fired" she thought, also gluing her eyes to the ground.

"Tea, Miss Mohammed" He said even more sternly, pointing to the tea cupboard ignoring everything she had said no previously.
Aman decided there was no battle so she succumbed to his orders and made his black tea.

"Will that be all?" Aman said sarcastically and all she got was a nod. She left the office now feeling angry and completely dissatisfied with herself.

"I shouldn't have made that tea, I should've walked out" she said to herself.
She angrily resumed watching her movie.
After praying Zuhr, Aman decided to sit on the couch in her office to have some tea but Sarah barged in just as she was about to do so.

"Aman, hurry... Mr Sameer told me to let you know you're going out and he just went downstairs. Don't let him wait for you, you know he hates that." Sarah said catching her breath.

"Really? Did he say where we're going? What should I take?" Aman said nervously.

"Just take your bag and laptop incase, hurry!" Sarah semi-yelled.
Aman quickly grabbed her bag and laptop and headed downstairs. She hurriedly got into Sameer's car and she exchanged pleasantries with his driver and orderly in the passengers seat.
Aman was still curious as to where they were headed but she didn't dare ask. He didn't say anything about her little outburst so she was afraid to add more salt to the wound.
They drove for about 20 minutes before they got to a building, it looked like a house but Aman wasn't completely sure.

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