Chapter 27

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-timeskip bc I'm done with this shit and wanna show you the babe--also this is the last chapter, but there will be a sequel-

Pov: Michael

Jeremy and I were at my house, and it was almost time for us to pick up Emily, Alex, and Andrew from summer camp. They wanted to come over today so they could see Jeremy.

At the moment Jeremy was sitting on the couch, watching Stranger Thing while eating a box of Lucky Charms. No, not from a bowl. From the box. I was in the kitchen, making fruit salad for when we picked up the trio.

"Oh shit. They after ya, hoes." Jeremy said, when the group was running from the mean guy. I forgot his name, okay? That dude in a suit who's after Elle. "Oh shit, ya'll better run--OH SHIT, M-MICHAEL I NEED A HOSPITAL!!"

My eyes widened and I ran over to Jeremy from the kitchen, after dropping the knife, and helped my boyfriend stand up, then helped him outside and to my PT Cruiser.

"It'll be okay Jerebear, just wait a bit." I said as I got into the driver seat. Jeremy laid down in the back seat and kept repeating 'fuck' over and over.

"W-What about--fuck--what about Emily, and Alex, and-FUCK-and Andrew?!" Jeremy asked, and I bit my lip.

"I don't know Jere, I'll think of something!"

-timeskip to hospital-

I carried Jeremy into the hospital and almost immediately nurses were at his side, pulling him onto a rolly-bed thing and rolling him away and into a room. I followed them, but before I could enter a nurse stopped me.

"I'm sorry sir, we can't allow you inside." My eyes widened.

"B-But I can't miss the birth of my child!" The nurse sighed and shook her head.

"It's the hospital's policy. We cannot let you into the operation room." She then went inside the room and closed the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat down, running my hands through my hair. Shit, camp gets out in like, five minutes..

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Christine. I don't know why, she's just the first person I thought of who's good with kids.


"Chris! Um so Jeremy is like, giving birth right now and I can't pick up my siblings, can you go to the elementary school down the road from our school and pick them up?"

"Of course! Do you want me to bring them to the hospital or take them home?"

"Bring them heere, I'm sure they'll want to see their niece." Christine then said goodbye and hung up, and as soon as she did the door opened.

"You can come in now." The nurse said. I shot up and ran inside, crouching down next to Jeremy. There was a beautiful baby girl in his arms, with little tufts of black hair. Her eyes were closed and she was sleeping.

"She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Jeremy said, and I nodded with a smile.


(Heere's a picture of the babe)

(Heere's a picture of the babe)

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(Yes that's baby Keith. Deal with it.)

-timeskip; Jeremy's pov-

Finally. This is it--the first day of senior year. But it'll be hard. On top of schoolwork I have to take care of a child, plus I have to maintain a healthy relationship with Michael throughout all of this.

I ran downstairs with Keilyn in my arms, being careful not to trip, and grabbed a bottle from the fridge. As I fed my daughter, my boyfriend came downstairs and face-planted into the couch.

"Uugghhh.... I don't wanna go back to school!" He groaned, and I sighed.

"Micha, the quicker we go the quicker we can come home." Michael then shot up and grabbed our backpacks, came over to kiss Keilyn on the head, then ran outside and hopped into his PT. I rolled my eyes and looked over at my dad who was coming down the stairs.

"Perfect timing, Michael and I have to go to school so take the baby."


Upon arriving at school, all of our friends came up to us and started asking about Keilyn. First it was Rich and Jake.

"Hey, bro'th!" Rich shouted, his lisp very present. He got that from the fire. "How'th Keilyn?" Michael smiled and held my hand tighter.

"She's fine, just a little grumpy. Like, all the time." Rich, Jake, and I all chuckled. But it's true. Keilyn is constantly crying, and when she isn't it's a miracle.

Throughout the day, people kept asking us about Keilyn. I guess that's just what happens when you have a kid in high school. But everything's okay. Michael and I will stay strong and take good care of ourselves and our daughter, especially in this hell of a crazy game called life.

A/N: WOOOO THAT'S THE END. It feels nice accomplishing something so big as a 27-chapter story (28 if you count the smut). Way longer than any story I've ever published ╥﹏╥ but that's a good thing, I'm getting better!

Oh, also, my friends told me that the title was kind of confusing to them so let me just explain it real quick.

Throughout the first like, 11 to 12 chapters, I left little "Red Flag" things. I think 7 in total? Well, those were meant to show when Michael slips up and gives a hint that he loves Jeremy, before the two started dating. That's why I called the story "Flags" even tho it's just a small part of the storyline. SO I'M SORRY FOR GIVING EVERYONE ANXIETY OOF


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