Chapter 9

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Pov: Jeremy

Once school ended, Michael and I decided to play games at my house instead of his.

We plopped down onto two beanbags in my room, grabbing controllers. The console and TV had already been on.

"Apocalypse of the Damned!"

"Level 9!" (How fitting for chapter 9. That was unintentional)

"The cafetorium!!"


After an hour or two of being stuck on level 9, as well as almost 8 million tries, Michael and I finally beat the level.

"Goddamn, that was fucking hard." Michael said, leaning back. I chuckled and nodded.

"Hell yeah it was. I don't want to know how difficult level 10 will be." Michael's face drained of all happiness as he realized that level 10 would be harder, and I laughed.

"Shut up, Jeremy!"

-timeskip to Friyay night-

I sighed as I looked between the two shirts. The hardest decision ever; red stripes, or blue stripes?! I groaned and looked back through my closet, my eyes widenening when I saw a saint-- red AND blue stripes!

"Hey, son, you dressed yet? Michael's almost here!" My dad called, and I gasped.

"I'm almost ready!" I lied, hearing my father's retreating footsteps as I quickly yanked off my pajama shirt and put on some deodorant before putting on the new shirt, then changed my boxers before pulling on a pair of random jeans from my drawer.

I then slipped on my shoes as I hopped down the stairs, grabbing my blue jacket from the couch and exiting the house just in time to see Michael's PT cruiser pull up.

I opened the passenger door and got in, flashing a smile at Michael. He was in his signature red hoodie, as well as black jeans. Oh and of course, his headphones were hanging on his neck.

"Sup!" He said, and we talked as he drove us to school.

-smol timeskip-

Once we arrived at the campus, we saw a bunch of couples entering the dance.. as well as a few large groups.

Michael and I got out of his car and started walking inside, and I felt his hand slightly brush against mine before he pulled it away. (Oh wow, a wild Red Flag#5 has appeared!)

Hm, must have been an accident.
(Idk if you can see it but My dumbass ipod doesn't want to do italics on my side ._.)

Eventually we reached the large gymnasium, where the dance was being held.

There were streamers, balloons, and a bunch of other decorations, as well as a large sign that said, "HAPPY FALL!"

There was loud music playing, some stupid song that had become popular. Along one of the walls was a table with food, as well as a large bowl of punch. Placed more towards the corners were small tables with about four chairs each, so students could sit down if they got tired of dancing. And, a few feet from the door, was a "DJ booth." It was really just a girl with a computer connected to the speakers.

I sighed and glanced at Michael. He didn't seem to like the DJ's song choice. Then the song ended and the DJ spoke.

"Alright, from now on we will be taking requests for songs!" She said. Michael's eyes lit up and he ran over to her, putting in a request. He then walked back over to me with a large smile on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked. Michael chuckled and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the middle of the gym where everyone was dancing.

"I requested one of Evan's songs." He said, and I got confused.

"What do you mean?" Michael's eyes widened and he looked at me as if I were stupid.

"Dude, your stepbrother has a killer voice! He makes musical covers on youtube, I stumbled upon his channel randomly at like, 3 AM on Wednesday."
(Yes. I'm doing a singer!Evan thing, deal wiTH IT PEASANTS)

I chuckled and heard Evan's voice on the gym's speakers. 'Omg, this is If I Could Tell Him from Dear Eva Holland! Nice choice'. (Idk if I should count that as a flag or not-)(again, ipod hates italics.)(I'm never using my iPod for this again)

-Pov: Evan-

And sat in the corner with Connor and Jared, trying to make the two stop glaring at each other when suddenly I heard my voice on the speakers. My eyes widened and I looked at the DJ.

'W-Who requested this!? Hecking spruce, this means someone at school knows of my YouTube!' (Swonxrididb kill me.)

I ran up to the DJ. "Please, you need to stop this song!" I said, and she looked down at me.

"Sorry kiddo, can't do. It was a request." I sighed and hid my face in my hands.

-back to Jeremy-

Once Evan's song ended, a familiar song played. Michael and I often heard this on the radio when driving to school.

Michael smiled at me and started dancing, urging me to follow suit. He started singing along.

"I wanna dance with somebody~ I wanna feel the heat with somebody~ Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody~ With somebody who loves me~!" I laughed and started singing along with him, us beginning to dance together instead of separately.

'He has a good voice... a great voice- no, an amazing voice, even.' (Djfjnjd I hate not being able to have italics)

I let my thoughts fly away as I focused on having fun, singing and dancing with Michael.

(have some art that I wish I drew

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(have some art that I wish I drew ._. If you know the artist pls tell me bc I wanna credit them so much but idk who drew this)
-timeskip; 3rd pov-

After an hour the boys had gotten tired from dancing, so they went to get something to drink.

"Hm, this fruit punch tastes kinda funny.." Jeremy said, but continued drinking it anyways. Michael bit his lip as a new song came on - it was a slow one.

"Tine for a slow song! What kind of school dance would this be without one of these to end it? This is the last song of the night, so grab your lover and make it count!" The DJ said. Michael glanced at Jeremy and put down his now empty cup, then grabbed Jeremy and pulled him back to dance. (Red flag #6 {i think? I lost count})

Jeremy didn't question it, he just smiled and wrapped his arms around Michael's neck. The other boy's hands went on Jeremy's waist. It was awkward because Jeremy was taller, yet dancing the role of the 'girl', but that didn't matter to them.

Jeremy smiled with a small blush tinting his face red, from the action of the boys being so close or from whatever someone spiked the drinks with, Michael wasn't sure. All he knew at that moment was that Jeremy was goddamn beautiful to him.

During the song Michael had unconciously pulled Jeremy closer, and rested his head on the boy's shoulder. This, in turn, made Jeremy's blush darker. But he just sighed in content and slightly tightened his grip on Michael.

In his drunk mind, Jeremy still considered all their actions platonic. No matter how gay that dance got, Jeremy believed they were just friends.

(Wow this chapter is over 1000 words that's a record for me woo-)

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