Chapter 14

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Pov: Michael

While shopping with my moms, we had to go into the feminine hygiene aisle. It embarrassed me greatly, but I saw something on a shelf that made me analyze Jeremy's situation.

Pregnancy tests.

He's been throwing up for weeks, and eating the strangest things... He brought a donut to school and covered it in mustard. And then he ate it. He's also way more emotional than usual. It's better safe than sorry..

I grabbed a box of the tests and hid it in my pocket, then told my moms that I was going to look around and find them later. They nodded and I immediately went to the cashiers.

Damn, this is awkward. I handed the box to the cashier and she looked at it, then at me.

"Is this for your girlfriend?" She asked as she scanned it and handed it back to me.

"Um, sure, something like that." Boyfriend, girlfriend, close enough. I then paid for the tests and went to go find my moms.

-timeskip--pov: Jeremy-

As I was sitting on the couch the front door opened, and I turned to see Michael entering.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs and to the bathroom. He then shoved something into my hands.

"Take this." He said, and I looked at the box.

"A pregnancy test? Michael I'm a guy, if you didn't know." Michael sighed and nodded.

"I know you're a guy, you have a dick and I've seen it many times. But the things happening to you are way too specific to be just sickness. Vomiting, weird food cravings, extra emotional. It's almost impossible to be true but I can't help the nagging voice in my head." I looked down and nodded, then kissed Michael's forehead.

"Okay, I'll do it."


After I took the pregnancy test, it said to wait five minutes before the results would show. So, I went downstairs and saw that Michael was talking to Heidi. 

Michael noticed me and smiled, patting the couch next to him. He gave me a look as if to ask what the results were, so I tapped my wrist to tell him we had to wait. He nodded and went back to talking with my stepmom. 

-small timeskip- 

I decided to wait ten minutes just to make sure the results had time to appear, and then went upstairs to the bathroom. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Grabbing the stick I bit my lip and turned it over to the side with the screen. 

Two lines. 

Oh no.

My eyes widened and I froze, then felt tears roll down my face. I.. I'm actually pregnant... Shit, dad will kill me! Well, unless Heidi kills me first. Dammit!! I'm only 17! And I'm a GUY. 

I gulped before hiding the pregnancy test in my pocket and going back downstairs. Of course, I wiped my tears away and washed my face.

Heidi wasn’t in the living room anymore, which made me glad. But I kind of wanted her to be here for this. 

"M-Michael.." I called out, my boyfriend turning around on the couch and looking at me. 

"What did it say?" He asked, and I knew more tears were threatening to fall as I took the test out of my pocket and handed it to him. 

He looked at it and his eyes widened, then he looked up at me. "Th-This.. This is... oh my god. Oh aking diyos! You-You're.." Michael couldn’t finish his sentence because he started crying. I could only hope they were happy tears.

"Yeah. I am."

(I don't really like this chapter tbh, I could have done better :/  )

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