Chapter 24

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Pov: Michael (during Jeremy's talk with Alex)

Once Emily dragged me upstairs, she brought us to my room and pushed me onto the bed as she ran back out and returned with a baby doll.

"Let's play house! I'll be the mommy, and you can be the daddy." She said. I smiled nervously and nodded, taking the doll when she handed it to me.

I've always been nervous around Emily, I know that she has a huge crush on me and it scares me. She literally does not give up--I can't even count how many times I've given her reasons why we can't and won't be together. I'm too old, we're family, I'm gay, the list goes on. But she doesn't listen.

"Um.. okay." Emily showed me the 'proper way' to hold a baby, or a doll in this case, so I followed her example and cradled the doll in my arms.

"So what's the baby's name?" She asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

"W-What?" "The baby! We can't have a nameless baby if we're playing house, it needs a name!" Fuck, I thought she was talking about Keilyn..

"Oh right, the doll.. um, well is it a boy or a girl?" Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, sitting next to me.

"A girl, obviously! She's wearing pink! Boys don't wear pink." I took a deep breath and tried to maintain my patience.

"Then let's name her Amy or something." Emily smiled and clapped, grabbing the doll from my arms and pretending to rock it to sleep.

God, if you exist, please fucking help me.

-back to Jeremy and Alex-

"S-So.. If you're pregnant, does that mean you a-and Michael did.... adult things?" Alex asked, and my eyes widened. My face heated up and I knew for a fact that I was blushing a bright red.

"U-U-Um, w-well, ahaha... K-Kind of? Yeah.." Alex bit his lip and let his feet swing gently, since he was too short for his feet to touch the ground.

"Michael said doing adult things is bad... was he lying?" I opened my mouth to respond, but I quickly closed it as I thought about what to say. It was a full minute before I finally answered Alex.

"It really depends. If you're very young, like you, doing adult things is bad. But if you're older, preferably 18 or up, then it's not as bad. Of course, age isn't the only thing. If somebody doesnt want to do adult things with you but you make them do it, then it's very bad. So bad it's worth time in jail. But if you and your partner both want it then it's okay." I explained, and Alex nodded. God, I hope this doesn't turn into 'the talk'.

"How does adult things work?" I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath, standing up.

"Okay, you should ask your parents about that. I am NOT giving a child the talk." I then went upstairs and to Michael's room.

-with Michael and Emily, 5 minutes before Jeremy makes an entrance-

"Ooh, Michael, now that the pretend baby is sleeping, can we sleep too?" Emily asked, and I sighed for the millionth time in the past five minutes.

"Sure. Lay down and go to sleep." I said, getting up to go downstairs, but Emily grabbed my arm.

"But mommies and daddies sleep in the same bed! Come on Micha!" I groaned and plopped onto the bed, getting into a comfortable position by hugging a pillow with my back facing Emily. And just like that, I was out like a light.

-Jeremy's pov-

As soon as I opened the door I was met with an adorable sleeping Michael, making me smile. But that smile instantly fell when I saw Emily clinging onto my boyfriend.

The small girl smiled and cuddled closer to my Michael, making me slightly angry.

"You jealous?" She asked, quiet enough that Michael wouldn't wake up but loud enough so I could hear her. However I just ignored the girl and walked over to Michael.

I kissed my boyfriend's forehead and saw him smile lightly. "Michael, babe. Wake up." I said softly into Michael's ear, and the boy let out a small groan as he sat up. He smiled when he saw me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey Jerebear.." He said, then kissed my stomach. "Hey Keilyn." Then there was a voice from next to us, and I turned to see that Emily had gotten off the bed and stood a few feet away.

"Who's Keilyn!? This stranger is the only other one in here besides us!" She said, and Michael looked up at me. I nodded.

"Keilyn is our baby." Emily's eyes widened and she looked at my stomach.

"No way! Guys can't be pregnant! And why would you want to have a child with this loser, Micha?!" I bit my lip and looked down, my arms wrapping around my stomach out of instinct.

"Listen, Emily. Just because you have a fucking crush on me doesn't mean you have the right to be disrespectful and rude to my boyfriend! I don't like you the way I like Jeremy, okay!? I don't want to be harsh but you seriously don't understand!!" Michael said, his voice slowly getting louder until he was shouting.

"W-Well.. Just because you like doing adult things with guys doesn't mean you can't like me in a different way!" Michael facepalmed and stood up, keeping his arms around me.

"It's not about sex, Emily! How many times will I have to tell you before you understand? I'm gay! I never have and never will love you as more than family." Emily was quiet after that and I started getting worried; did Michael take it too far? Or did Emily take it too far?

"Why? Why boys!? Why can't you just be normal?!" "This is my normal!!" "I wish it wasn't!" "Well it is!"

At this point I was close to tears. I hate seeing families fight--it reminds me of my mom and dad.

"You should at least be with someone pretty! Jeremy is ugly and his face is gross!" "He is pretty! He's beautiful and his face is perfect!" "Well I've loved you longer than he has!!" "And I've loved him since before you were born! Twelve years, Emily! Since fucking kindergarten! He didn't even know I existed until five months ago, but I still loved him!"

My eyes widened and I took a step back, feeling the tears start to fall. (Jeez, I feel like an ass for doing this to my son, making him cry
╥﹏╥ )

"Wh-What!? You.. You've loved me for twelve years, and you never thought to talk to me before Twitter?!" Michael turned to me and looked down.

"I wanted to, Jerebear. But I never found the right time, and.. I was scared." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall behind me, rubbing my stomach gently.

"If you talked to me sooner, then we could have been together way before all of this.." I said, and Michael leaned up to kiss me, wiping away the tears.

"But we're together now. So it all worked out in the end." Over Michael's shoulder I saw Emily, she had her back facing us and was shaking.

I sighed and pulled away from Michael, walking over to the young girl. "Hey, Em?" I said, and she turned around to face me.

"W-What, idiot?" "I know that you love Michael. He's really easy to fall in love with because of his personality, but someday you'll find someone you love more than Michael. Maybe they'll be a girl, or they might still be a boy. They might not be easy to read at first or maybe they'll be an open book from the start. But you'll love them, okay? So promise me that when you find them you'll tell Michael, and I'm sure he'll be proud." Emily nodded and smiled, then hugged me. I hugged her back.

Man, I'm good. I should become the next Dr. Phil -- no. That's a bad idea...

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