Chapter 15 - Oops Confusion

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  • Dedicated to Pink

Sorry for the long wait.  I've been doing many things and having writers block especially with this story.  Now after telling my sis about a month ago the next chapters of this story I have the gall to continue!  I would appreciate good criticism and comments to my story.

Danke for your support, comments, and votes.  [:


Chapter 15 - Oops Confusion

Like a kid's hand slapped because he touched the cookie jar, I dropped the PS controller.  Wrong choice.  I expected it to land on the floor.  Rachelle's sharp reflexes had it land gracefully in her palm.

I'm looking into the pitch black eyes of the teenage boy whom I suspect tried to drown me and all I can think is 'He caught me in his room with his sister, what do I do?'  I must be mentally flushed.  I'm not sure if I should say anything, apologize to him for invading his privacy, which I had been stupid enough not to guess it was his room and not Rachelle's.  With that deadly glare he was giving me, I'd bet apologizing wouldn't help.

"Chi Chi!"  Rachelle's shrill, giddy outcry broke me out of my nervous sitting duck mode.  She ran up to her brother and gave him an overbearing hug with a huge smile, making him lean back enough to fall if he didn't have great balance.

"Hn," her brother replied indifferently, patting his sister's back without even a pinch of awkwardness in his stance.  It was like he was proud of hugging his sister in front of me.  Unlike me.  I am more awkward than a pair of undies on a flagpole.  Whileas, this guy, Chase... was completely opposite.  His voice was smooth and charismatic, whenever he used it.  He makes girls swoon over him and guys loath him in a blink of an eye.  That's what his reputation had become in school.  He didn't have one guy friend there, and half the girls made a trail behind him in the hallways. 

"I'm so sowwie, little brother, but what's a date without video games?" She squealed and I gulped while I watched.  It was an interesting scene.  A giddy energetic girl smiling and playful side by side with a mellow, death wish boy who never smiled and always glared at me so intensely chills ran down my back.

"Date?" Chase's voice lowered dangerously and his glare deepened.  My body felt like falling backwards and backing away, the look in his eyes were so deadly, but I stood my ground.  I didn't move forward or backward and gritted my teeth to keep from frowning.

Rachelle pulled back from the embrace and nodded ecstatically at her brother.  "Yeah, our second one.  He's really awesome-"

"Did you tell dad?"

 "No, silly, who you think I am?" Rachelle answered giddily.

"That's a question to ask yourself, onee-chan."

"No, you too.  You're under a tighter line than me, otouto." Rachelle poked her brother in the chest with a mock scolding.  All I could do was sit and watch this playful sibling match.



Mine and Rachelle's head turned simultaneously to look at the girl who made her entrance.  My eyes almost popped out and landed on the floor.  A girl with pink hair.  Real... pink... hair.  It was obviously dyed but it still looked pretty real.  She wore a red short-sleeved kimono to her knees, one arm across her ribs to grasp the other.

Chase's lips twitched into a smile, pleased with the girl wrapping her arm around his shoulder and standing to his left.  Her green eyes glanced curiously at me then back at Rachelle.

"Hey, Kura." Rachelle greeted before coming back towards me and clobbering me in a tight side hug.  I had to hold myself up to keep her from pushing me on the ground.  She has great forceful strength.  "This is Richie, I was telling you about."

"Oh, hello." The girl 'Kura' replied shyly with a quick wave of her left hand.

I opened my mouth to respond-

"Don't talk to him." Chase's words came out cold and hateful, murmured to the girl at his side without remorse.

That turned off the awkward side at me and made my adrenaline rush.  It's one thing to insult, humiliate, or verbally abuse me to my face, but making judgements for someone else, that's entirely different.

"And why not?" I asked so coolly I surprised myself.

Rachelle was about to let go of me when I held onto her.  My arm slid behind her waist and kept her firmly at my side.

Chase responded with a glare and a 'I dare you' look.  Seemingly noticing my attachment to his sister dislike drained any and all joy from his face.

"You're not formally introduced," was his firm response.

An eyebrow lifted.  Another one lifted.  That was all?  I had to be introduced formally before being let into their social circle?  That puzzled me.  I'd expected to hear something like 'My sister could do better', or 'Nobody dates my sister without my say so'.  The defensive brother type I saw him as.

"Well... " I answered, truly baffled.  "How can I get formally introduced?"

"You can't.  Simple as that." He answered, and I knew he was just being stubborn and defensive.  Like he didn't want me to be formally introduced.  So why did he mention it?

"Otoutu, don't be silly.  Of course he can," I heard her sweet voice from the right trying to coerce her brother.

"Not silly.  Rational."

"I'll tell you, Richard," Rachelle said matter-of-factually.

"No." Chase interrupted.  I noticed his fist clenching to hold in anger.  His almost black eyes were fixed on his sister and this time I didn't understand his emotions.  There was something going on here between the two... and I had the feeling I had very little to do with it.


My head snapped towards Rachelle.  I had expected her to be all silly and giddy with her response, not to clam up and answer submissively.  I searched her face for an answer, but she just looked down with lips pressed into a thin line and palms pressed together tightly.

I wanted to ask her what was going on.  I wanted to demand Chase to tell me.  But somehow I felt this was neither the right time or place... But when was the right time to ask?

There again lied in the question 'What's going on with Rachelle'?  My grip on her tightened when a strange overwhelming sensation overcame me.  What if Rachelle is in some kind of danger that they don't want to share?  What's this deal with being 'formally' introduced?

The only thing I could think of was...

Her brother tried to kill me and he just wants me out.


Does she know he tried to kill me?  She can't!

Can she?

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