Chapter 12 - You Didn't!

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  • Dedicated kay Pancakes!

Chapter 12 - You Didn't!

I got bullied by my sister into drinking coffee.  It taste like burnt rubber.  It's 4 in the morning for Pat's Sake! 

My sister also tried to bully me into telling her how Rachelle blackmailed me into dating her.  'Dating?'  As in still?  Uh... That was when I passed out.  Or at least faked it, again.  Rachelle had to tell my sister I was faking!  Not fair.

So with a grumbling attitude I told my sis... to shove off and let me sleep then I'll tell her.  She said jokingly, "Alright, but you're paying rent."

I knew she was joking but she sounded serious.


Oh, wow.  He finally woke up.  Now I'm going to suffer more humiliation.

"Hey, Chev, honey." Kate says as a tall man shows up around the kitchen door way.  He's rubbing his eyes wearily and ruffling his blond hair.

"Whatchu doin' here, Charizard?" he askes with furrowed brows.

"Uh, what's it to you, Chevrolet?" I answer lightly.

Chev chuckles and sighs.  "Seriously, man, what are you doin' in my house at 4 in the mornin'?"

"I just came over to pick up some milk for my coffee, I was out."

Chev looks at Kate with a lifted eyebrow.  "He's drunk, ain't he?"

"Only half way," Kate answers.  "He's stuck in hangover limbo right now."

"Oh, man," Chev hisses out a breath.  "I hate hangover limbo.  And you gave 'im coffee?!  It tastes like burnt tires when you're in limbo."

"Groovy, man," I answer with heavy lids.

Chev lifts another eyebrow at me.  "You're d'finitely plastered, mate, how manyou 'ave?" His Australian accent is getting on my nerves, wait, everyone's accent is getting on my nerves.  Even my own.

"Erh... I lost count after 10."

He hisses out another breath and suddenly noticing Rachelle next to me he looks at her. "Do I know you?"

"No, you don't," Rachelle answers sweetly.  "But I know your girlfriend."

Chev looks at her puzzled.  "She's my wife."

"Oh!" Rachelle exclaims innocently.  "That explains the ring on her finger!"

Kate laughs and Chev just smiles... and while they're distracted I try to doze off into a deep sleep.  There's a nudge on my side and I groan and grumble, "Who dunnit?"

"Dude, man," Chev exclaims.  "Take the guest room okay, I don't want you puking on our new sofa."

"I don't think he'll make it," Rachelle says apologetically.

Neither do I.

"I can hold down my liquor," I say in defence.  Oh, Rachelle, you have no faith in me.

Scratch CRRKK.

Kate looks towards the front door and 'aws'.  "I left chocolate outside!" and she rushes to the door.

Rachelle and I look at her funny, I finally asking, "She left chocolates outside?  I wasn't aware that candy scratches doors..."

Chev replies, "It's our pet.  Kate named her chocolate because that's what she was eating when the little critter showed on our front door step."

"How cute!" Rachelle coos, looking towards Kate who just returned.

I stare in awe.


Girlfriend's A VAMP Guy's A TEACHERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon