Chapter 3 - Little White Truth

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  • Dedicated to Liars

A/N: Danke for reading and for the votes. [: Hope I get a few comments.  ENJOY!

Chapter 3 - Little White Truth

The principal decided to walk in at this exact moment.  And miraculously Rachelle just happened to rush off my lap and be in front of my desk by the time the door opened fully.

Wow, no privacy! I should lock the door next time! WAIT!  WHAT AM I SAYING?  I'm not supposed to be alone with a student with the door locked anyways!  Especially Rachelle!  Her reputation... is not so good.

"Hi, Mr. Kinman! Good evening," Rachelle says with her famous smile. 

"Good evening, Ms. Mitchelson," Mr. Kinman, the old man wearing a grey suit and tie with glasses bigger than mine says.  He doesn't even say anything about Rachelle's outfit and I'm just sitting in my chair, flabbergasted.

Flabbergasted.  Who uses that word?

"Hello, Mr. Kinman," I clear my throat when I realize it's hoarse.  "Is there something you need?"

"Have you got the papers for the test last week?  There's a student that says he passed but I don't think so."

Rachelle bats her eyelashes at me and I try to ignore her but it's almost impossible.  "I always keep the papers of all year round.  I'll get them, just a sec."

Weird reason to interrupt detention...

I bend down and unlock the drawer on the lower right corner, shuffling through the third semester papers, alphabetically order, categorized with black bold letters with colour highlights, and easily find the test papers Mr. Kinman asked for.  I have an inkling of which student he's talking about... One of the football players has been doing poorly on his grades, until two weeks ago when he made a recovery and actually got a C on his test.  I don't know anything about a tutor, so he sure surprised me.

I shuffle through the papers and pull out the one he must be talking about, taking a few steps and handing it to him.  Rachelle is just watching curiously, now rocking on the heels of her boots.  "Ms. Mitchelson, you can work on your homework," I say before turning back to the principal.  I duly note the wink she gives me before walking over to her desk and sitting obediently.

"Ah yes, I see." Mr. Kinman says, nodding his head. "So he really did pass.  Just curious."

I push the bridge of my black bold rimmed glasses and nod.  "Yup, so he can go to the dance."

"Yeah, well see you tonight then."

"Good day, Mr. Kinman."

The principal handed me back the test paper and I reorganized it in my stack before he left.  Walking to my desk I hear the door shut and about to place it in the category I realized all the highlighted colours are in the wrong position.  I'm a perfectionist, to the dot.  And having ONE colour out of order in my rainbow categorized files was making me nervous.  How the heck-!

"Hi, Mr. McKenseth," Rachelle spoke sweetly.

I look up at her and give her a nervous smile.  "Ms. Mitchelson?" I say very mockingly nice.  "You wouldn't have anything to do with rearranging my files?"

She bats her eyelashes innocently and points her finger at herself and mouths, 'Who me?' "Why would you ever think that?"

I comb my fingers through my short brown hair and shrug.  Yeah, why would I ever think that?  "Nobody else is in here," I point out.

"The bird that just flew in-"

"A bird didn't fly in," I reply sounding ridiculously corny.

"Of course not!" She answers sarcastically, rolling her eyes before glancing on me.  "So about that first date?  Pick up at 8 sharp?"

"What-Rach-Er, Ms. Mitchelson, we're NOT going on a first date, or any date for that matter."

"What?" She sadly pouts her lips and bats her eyelashes again.  "Don't you like me?"

"Like you?" I mutter.  I remember when her first day of school, when she was fifteen years old... Then, I liked her, but now.  She's completely opposite of how I remember her.  I don't even know what went wrong...

"Oh, so you do!"

"No-I mean, I don't 'like you' like you, you're my student!" Truth is, I used to like her.  But not since that one day...

"Oh, you don't like me?  But why not?" In a split second she managed to run around my desk and get ridiculously close to me, eying me carefully and making me drop all the test papers from my hand on to the floor.  Man, I would have quite a bit of cleaning to do...

I back away a few steps and it doesn't help.  For every step I take she takes one as well, not letting me get away.  I lean my shoulders backwards but that doesn't help either.  She leans her upper body forward, her bust and waist dangerously close to my pale blue button shirt.

"Really, Ms. Mitchelson, it's not right for a teacher to 'like' like their students," That's the cliche thing to say.  And stupid me, I said it.  And there's only one cliche reaction to come...

"Oh, so if I wasn't your student you'd like me?"

You caught me red-handed here... Or rather pink handed.  I realize my hand had found its' way to the back of her skirt!  Alarmed, I withdraw it hastily and stare at her with horror plastered on my face.  The type of horror that says 'Your strategy's failing!' It made me want to sit down and do a hand signal and rethink my strategy like Shikamaru.

"Err- no, Ms. Mitchelson." I can't lie to her... She's very attractive, VERY ATTRACTIVE.  My eyes are practically popping out of their sockets staring at the smooth skin of her neck, and her full lips, heavily glossed with pink that matched her underwear.  So, I didn't lie.  "I don't like you, Ms. Mitchelson."

I hold my breath and wait for her outburst, eyes almost shut.  She simply stares at me and her smile gets turned upside down for a second, a flash of hurt in her eyes before flashing that incredulously sexy smile again, only a hit of her white teeth showing.  "I doubt that, Richie.  I think you like me very much."

She takes a step torwards me and I take another step back.  Wrong choice.

I stumble and fall on my rolling chair, landing in it and grabbing the arms just in time to keep my ass from falling flat on the floor.  She gives me a subtle smirk and looks down at my pants.  "Yes, very much."

I can't say anything, too shocked to say anything with a huge blush. I feel like Hinata, only I don't faint.  She walks away from me and opens the door before turning back at me.  "Eight o'clock," she sings and vanishes.

Like hell I'm going to pick her up at 8...

Or perhaps hell isn't so bad.

Wait, what am I saying?!

I'm a teacher.

She's a students.

End of story.


Not really.

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