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My mom still hasn't gotten home. I guess that I won't be able to hug her for the last time. I get ready to go, my yellow backpack is very heavy. Both of my hands are full of heavy stuff. I wave goodbye to my bedroom. The place where I have slept for 18 years.

I throw down the bag with clothes, and I carry the other bags on my back. I jump down on the tree branch, and I climb down. I take my bag with clothes and run the fastest that I can to the bus. My parents can't catch me now. 

The bus is late like usual. I sit there at the bus stop, all alone. When the bus finally arrives I sit in the back. People look at me like I'm some alien, I guess that they know that I'm running away from home or maybe they think that I got kicked out. 

The bus starts going. There's no way to turn back now, my baby wouldn't want to grow up there either. At the next bus stop a girl that looks very familiar hops on. She drags her curly ginger hair behind her ear. 

I can't stop starring at her. There's just something about her that seems so welcoming. I can tell she's looking at me too. She moves places and sits next to me.

"Hey," she says. 

"Hello, My name is Octavia! What is your name?" I ask. 

"Octavia??" She stares at me. 

"It's me, Chloe!" She says.

Chloe? The little ginger girl. That's why she looked so familiar, she still had that soft babyface. She had barely aged. Her big round eyes looked happy. I was happy too. We hug, and we talk about everything that has happened since that night. 

She got kicked out of her house when she was 13. Her parents didn't like her after what happened. They were afraid of something happening to them. She had lived with her boyfriend, which didn't make the situation better. 

She got pregnant at 15 and got kicked out of his house. She now lived with her friend Amanda. I told her about all the crazy things that have happened between me and Jasper and that I was now gonna live with him. 

She lived fairly close to my house. Jasper met me at the bus stop, I could see Chloe peaking out of the window. He helped me carry my heavy bags, we together unpacked all of my stuff. I was happy for the first time. 

5 Years Later

Today was my wedding day. I was nervous. I have always wanted a dress with a sweetheart neckline. I looked like a real princess in it. In a few minutes, I was gonna go down the aisle. I'm very nervous. I'm usually not a nervous person but today I was.

This was the biggest day of my life. I have dreamt about this moment for years. All of my friends were there. Now it was time. My best friend Cade look my arm, instead of having my real father walk down the aisle with me I had Cade. Someone that was a father figure to me. 

"Ready?" He asked.


We walked down the aisle. Everyone's facial expression changed into shock. My small daughter Charlie was one of the flower girls. She was only 4 and a half. Her white dress had small silver details on it. Everything in the world disappeared when I stared into Jasper's beautiful eyes. 

I started crying happy tears when Jasper read his vows. When it turned to read mine, I realized how good Jasper's vows were. I started reading, and Jasper's was now also in tears. The tears turned into the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

The kiss was the most romantic kiss I've had. It was perfect. Charlie didn't like it though. She thought it was gross and covered her eyes. I was now Octavia Evans, forever and ever. Everyone congratulated us. 

Charlie's favorite part was to eat the wedding cake. She loves anything sweet, just like me. She does look a lot like Jasper though. Chloe and her daughter walked up to me. Her daughter was named Jasmine after the Disney princess. I have only met Chloe's daughter twice. She is such a shy girl. 

Hope had tanned skin and long black hair. They didn't look much alike but they surely had the same nose. Hope and Charlie were like sisters whenever they met. They got along so well. Charlie always talked about Hope. 

I kissed Jasper's soft lips once again. He smirked at me. I knew exactly what was gonna happen today. Good thing Charlie was sleeping over at Hope's house. To think that only a few years ago I was so unhappy with my life. 

I might only be 23 but it feels like I have already figured out my life. Jasper and Charlie were my life and I was their life. This was the happiest day of my life, and second place was of course when Charlie was born.

I remember being so happy because she was healthy. She is perfect. She's short for being a 5 year old, but it was expected since I'm fairly short. I was so happy to be free from my terrible parents. 

I might not be the perfect mom, but I'm trying to be the best I can for Charlie. Charlie is worth everything in the world. Jasper is a great husband and the best dad alive. I was finally happy. 

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