Jasper Evans

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After thinking about it for the rest of the day, I text Jasper. He responds right away. Our conversation goes smoothly, he tells me that he feels bad for what I'm going through. He's my only friend right now and we haven't known each other for over a week. 

He tells me that his friends are coming over to his house in an hour and asks me if I want to come to meet them. I, of course, accept the offer they might be cute. 

I start getting ready to meet his friends in case I see a cute guy. Should I curl or straighten my hair? Should I wear a short dress or will that make me appear like a slut? I tend to overthink sometimes. 

Jasper's House

Before coming I thought that only a few of Jasper's friends would be there but there were a lot. At school he's like the social outcast, that's why I like him. ( AS A FRIEND OF COURSE!) I love Leo no one else especially not Jasper. 

Most of the guys look like someone that my parents would not want me to be around. Some of them vaped, some of them smoked and most of them drank alcohol. Even Jasper drank alcohol. He asked me if I wanted a drink. I said no.   

The music playing was pretty loud, I was wearing a short dress, something Leo would never let me wear. I was standing alone in the corner and Jasper went up to me. He smells like alcohol, he grabbed my waist. 

"Come on, let's meet everyone." He says. while still holding my waist. 

"O-okay." Him standing so close to me made me a little bit nervous. 

We started walking towards a blue-eyed blonde girl with a denim jacket, and two guys one with light brown eyes, dark brown hair and one guy with gray eyes and dark blonde hair. Jasper was slightly taller than the other guys, and the girl is tall like a model. 

"Octavia, this is Mike, Jake, and Molly." He introduces them. 

"Mike, Jake, Molly, this is my friend Octavia." He tells them. 

"Hey, Octavia." Mike, Jake, and Molly said.

"Hey..." I answer.

All of them are fairly attractive but Jasper stood out. He is attractive but I'm not attracted to him. It was weird that he was a misfit, it's not like he was an awkward person. I expected misfits to be super weird but they are kinda normal. 

Jasper started holding my hand. It was weird seeing him like this. He was normally not the type of guy to hold your hand or grab your waist. Maybe I just assumed that he was someone that he's not. 

At Night

I have spent the whole evening thinking about Jasper, and now it's almost midnight. He's just I don't know. I have been trying to sleep but it's not working. I just can't get him out of my head.

I start typing a text to Jasper maybe that would help. While typing I notice that Jasper starts typing too. 

"Still awake, Octavia?" 
"Yes, I didn't expect you to type back."

"I'm always awake at midnight, I don't sleep." 

"Midnight is just the most beautiful time of the day, look out your window and look at the stars."
"That sounds stupid." 

"It's not, the stars are beautiful." 
"Alright fine."

I look out of the window, up at the sky. 

"I'm looking at the stars, they really are beautiful Jasper." 
"Do you see the star that shines brighter than the others."

I look around at the stars, after a few seconds I spot the star. It's in the middle of the sky almost. 

"I see it."
"It reminds me of you, Octavia."

"How does a star remind you of me?"
"It shines brighter than the other stars, just like you."

"I'm not a star, and I don't shine." 
"Oh Octavia, it's just a metaphor it means that I think you're better than the other people on earth, especially your old friends." 

Did Jasper Evans just say that I'm better than the other people on earth? Wow. Wow. Wow. I don't know why he would think that I'm just a regular girl. He starts typing again.

"Still awake? I guess not. Goodnight Octavia." 

I go to bed late that night. Thankfully I don't have school tomorrow. 

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