The little ginger girl

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Chloe and I would sneak out to meet each other. My parents have never liked people from that side of town because they aren't as wealthy as we are. One day our plan failed though. 

I climbed out from the window, down to the apple tree in our garden. It was a little bit over 8 pm, it was very late, at least for a 10-year-old. I ran from the garden to the front of the house, and from there to mine and Chloe's meeting place. 

This day Chloe wasn't there, I looked around the park. The only person that was there was me, and a few birds. 

"CHLOE!" I yelled. 

We were supposed to meet there at 8, why isn't she there? I saw two people coming out from the woods, first I didn't recognize who they were. It was my parents. They rushed to me.

"Why did you come here?" Mom asked. 

"I... wanted to play," I lied. 

"We know that you are lying, Octavia," dad looked at me with a serious look.

Another person came out of the woods, she looked sad. It was Chloe, she was hurt.

"Chloe are you okay?" I was worried. 

That was the last time I saw Chloe, the little ginger girl. 


I lay down on my white fluffy carpet. The only thing that was crossing my mind was Chloe, I wonder where she was now. Was my family really able to hurt someone that badly? They could probably do worse things.

I remember when I was 13 and my parents told me that "we don't do the dirty work, we have people that do it for us." It's still haunting me today. That sentence just seems like something you would see in a movie. 

It wasn't a movie though, it was the reality. It still is a reality for us. I can try to run away from it, but you can never escape your past. I question what they have done to Jasper, could it possibly be my family? Jasper might be dead now.

I couldn't possibly wait for my birthday, Jasper will be dead. I need to do something, and I need to do it fast. 

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