No spoiled kids, no rich housewives

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Jasper and I walk under his blue umbrella. The rain is pouring down, we seek a coffee shop or a cafe to stay until the rain gets a little bit better. My hair is all wet even though I walked under the umbrella the whole time. 

After looking around for a few minutes we find a coffee shop. While sitting there waiting for our coffee, Jasper tells me something.

"I have thought about something, Octavia." He says while looking sad.

"What is it?" I comfort him. 

"I want to get away from this shit town. Maybe move to a big city?" 

"Without me?" 

"I want you to follow me if you want to, of course." 

"Let's do it."

He holds my hand while looking happy. 


Today is the day I and Jasper are escaping from this town. I have packed my most important things. I haven't told anyone about this, only written a letter that I'm gonna leave at my house when I leave.

Jasper helps me carry my heavy bags. I could never carry them. We hop into his car and he starts driving. 

"Where are we even going?" I ask.

"I don't know yet, let's just ride away and have fun." He tells me. 

This might be the biggest thing I have done in my life, It's so new for me to do something like this. I question what my parents will think when they find my note. My note was very accurate to what I was feeling when I wrote it. 

I can hear the wind when it hits the car window. I think it's because Jasper drives fairly fast. We stop at a gas station, I have never been to this place before, not even close to this place. I look around, the trees seem greener than they used to be, at least in my town. 

No spoiled kids, no rich housewives, only normal people living their life is the best way to illustrate where we are. My long brown hair is up in a tight ponytail causing my head to hurt a little bit. 

The only memory I have left from my parents is the pearl necklace my dad gave me after his business trip. It has always been hanging around my neck since I got it. It gives me hope that everything will be alright. 

We drive a little bit longer to a hotel, the city we are in is called Wonderland. It's very close to the capital city Riverklay. Maybe Riverklay can be our new home or maybe we can keep going until we find another place? 

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